Tuesday, October 8, 2024

50 before 50: My 50 day countdown to my 50th birthday

"50 years: here's a time when you have to separate yourself from what other people expect of you, and do what you love. Because if you find yourself 50 years old and you aren't doing what you love, then what's the point?" ~ Jim Carrey

Back in the summer,  I decided I would mark the 50 days before my birthday with all the things that made me who ai m am and brought me to this day.  I didn't really have a plan when I started - just let the ides come day by day. Towards the end I my time recording these, I did end up getting out a calendar and making a lit for the last couple of weeks.  There were a few things I wanted to make sure I included, so I had to make a plan.  But the first 40 ~ish days, i just come up with an idea as I was going to bed each night.  I think it turned out to be a pretty cool list. I was reading back on it today, mu 5oth birthday, and I decided I should document it all here.  So, here we go!

50 Before 50
As I approach my 50th birthday, I am going to reflect on 50 things that have gotten me to where I am today, The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly.

Day 1: Thankful for my health and the choices I have been making for ME! One year ago, I set a goal of losing 100 lbs by my 50th birthday (15 months to do it). I am at 60 lbs lost right now. And while I still want to keep going, I am THRILLED to be here! Working towards a healthy future!

Day 2: MY MAN! Everything about our relationship is unconventional. From the way we met, our age gap, how we manage our household, and the way we make decisions. And for those, plus a million other reasons, I count myself the luckiest girl on the planet.
He met me when I was incredibly broken. And he didn’t try to fix me, he just loved me. And my red headed twin girls. And for the next 19 years he did all of that, AND gave me 2 sons. Britt Weaver is the epitome of AMAZING. To know him is to love him, and more importantly to BE LOVED by him. God truly broke the mold with this guy. Kind. Generous. Compassionate. Patient (most of the time). Intentional. Smart. Funny. Caring. Full of Grace. He’s not perfect, but he’s pretty dang close.

Day 3: This PLACE! Stillwater, Oklahoma. It will always be home. I’ve come and gone a lot. But it’s still my hometown. My family was a Land Run family and early settlers and we’re still there. While I was born in Perry, OK and I now live in Edmond, OK, Stillwater will alway hold a piece of my heart.

Perry, OK Stillwater, OK Sarasota, FL Stillwater, OK Ponca City, OK DFW, TX Stillwater, OK Tulsa, OK Stillwater, OK Edmond, OK

Day 4: Being a life long learner. When I finished my Bachelor’s degree in the late 1990s, the last thing I ever thought I’d do was be in a class room again! But, a pack of kids and a lot of life later, it was time. At every job I’ve had, I always jumped at training and seminars for professional development. But grad school? That sounded like too much. But I jumped on in 2019, with 4 kids still at home and a full time job in higher education administration. 5 years later, I am again back in the class room. This time as an instructor - still learning all kinds of things. Never thought this would be on my lifetime Bingo card…

Day 5: Babies don’t keep. But man, they’re irresistible! I had four of my own, and I was blessed to watch my brother (RIP), cousins, extended cousins, friends, and so many other members of my tribe become parents and raise babies into amazing humans. I hope someday to watch my own kids have their own babies and experience that joy! (Not any time soon, girls!) 

And since pics of the twins solo is rare as littles, they get 2 baby pics.

Day 6: this ball As I sat in Gallagher-Iba Arena today, watching my 2025 son chase his dreams, I thought a lot about basketballs, orange rims, nets, and all the rest. I played in elementary and middle school. I was a big fan of my Stillwater High team, and I was at OSU with my half season student pass - right behind the goal with my sorority sisters and making friends with the camera man so my family could see me on TV! Those were the glory days of the Rowdy Confines!
Then Jake started playing when he could walk. Finn played pre-Covid. This game changes lives. And we’ve met so SO many friends throwing an orange ball through a hoop… forever grateful! (And here’s to many MANY more!)

Day 7: Livin’ on Love
Yes, the Alan Jackson song… “Livin' on love, buyin' on time
Without somebody nothing ain't worth a dime
Just like an old fashion story book rhyme
Livin' on love.”
There’ve been several times in my life where love was all I had. Literally. From when I started 9th grade sleeping on a fold out couch that was decades old, to about a decade ago when my husband and I both lost our jobs within just a few days of each other. But, there’s always Love.

These are videos on FB!

Day 8: Dogs I’ve always been a dog girl. Had a couple cats along the way, but mostly dogs. So on this National Dog Day I’ll highlight some of mine from the past. When I was little, we got a beagle puppy named Lady. I remember my grandma having Schnauzers, and mom did too. My first dog out of my parents house was a miniature schnauzer named Annie. We had another one named Einstein when the kids were little. And Jake’s mitt Jessie that ran away…We adopted our “found in a box” mutt Evie 5 years ago, and we adopted 3 miniature dachshunds from pandemic days to today. Evie is with Lara in Stillwater, and we still have our Doxie Babies Jasper and Opal. Love being a Dog Mom! (And grandma.)

Day 9: Homework. It sure looks different these days. That 9pm alarm on Alexa reminding everyone to plug in their Chromebooks… I’ve done a LOT of homework in the past 49 years. More in the last 5 than I ever thought I would again! But helping Finn make up missed work this afternoon after being out sick reminded me how lucky we are to live in a country that values education. And I know I’ll miss it soon enough!

Day 10: Adult Children. Parenting is a trip. You have a baby, and a few short hours later you’re sent home with a tiny, helpless being that you’re expected to just KNOW how to care for. Forever. But this latest chapter of parenthood for me has been an unexpected gift. My girls amaze me. Fascinate me. I remember staring at them as newborns full of awe. I still get that feeling. It’s different, but still there. Truly enjoying this “phase.” It’s better than teething.

Day 11: School Fundraisers. *she said sarcastically* Wrapping paper or Worlds Best Candy Bars anyone??? I remember going door to door as a kid. And I remember Emma winning a prize for all the Girl Scout stuff she sold in 2nd grade. I’ve been on Booster Club boards for both Stillwater and Edmond. We’ve done choir, sports, graduation nights, and all the things!
Tonight, we’re working on Sequoyah Middle School Choir (travel, completions, sheet music) and Edmond North Husky Basketball (we travel to the 918 SIX times - they need food before and after the games, plus gas…). DM’s are open for donations!

Day 12: Laughter. Life has been a little rough lately. Sandwich generation living is doing its best to squish me. Thankful for my tribe, but it’s a drain on all of us. Sometimes laughter comes through in those hard moments and that’s the BEST medicine. My girls cracked me up tonight. Dinner with this part of my crew resulted in so many laughs. We needed that!

Day 13: COLLEGE FOOTBALL! We’re back, Baby! This house loves Saturdays in Fall. Mostly from our living room, but we usually get in a game or 2 in Stillwater. I remember when I was little, Saturdays in fall were me, my big brother, and my cousins at my grandma and grandpas house while our parents were at the OSU games. My Dad and I went to the Gator Bowl in 1984…Then in college when we weren’t very good but it was fun anyway. And now we have so many friends from my days in OSU Football that we follow across the country. Love to wake up Saturday and turn on College Game Day! HAPPY FALL, Y’ALL - my favorite season!

Day 14: Inside jokes, shared stories, and “Rickerisms.” Like when my dad told my mom any city in Oklahoma that he wasn’t sure where it was that it was “over there east of Tulsa” until my brother and I cracked the code as young adults. And then didn’t tell mom… We were always masing with mom - the three of us. But then Dad and Brian turned on me, too! I never liked that. Then when I married Britt and brought my family “isms” into the relationship and I would say something - he looked at me like was was crazy! For instance: “in a parking lot, always face your car towards an exit onto the main road. You know what was going on when you went in, but you never know what’ll be happening when you leave!” Ahhhh, “Rickerisms.” (There’s a lot of them. Just ask Britt Weaver!)

Day 15: blankets, throws, comfy cuddles. I’m a blanket girlie. 24/7/365. There’s always a few on the couch. At least one on my side of the bed, usually more. They’re in the cedar chest, linen closet, top of my closet. Usually one or more in the car especially when traveling. Kids these days don’t use top sheets so the boys have a few each… anyway. I need more. Preferably with dachshunds on them. Never enough.

Day 16: Country Music. I was country when country wasn’t cool. And I cut my teeth on Country and Western (both kinds! ) Music. My adolescence was marked by a soundtrack of the GREATEST - nothing compares to the country music of the 1990s. And I still listen to new country artists today! I always have a special place in my heart for Oklahomans. From Reba and Vince, through Garth and Blake, Carrie Underwood to Zack Bryan, and the incomparable, late and great “Big Dog Daddy” - Toby Keith - may he rest in peace. God bless country music. Never apologize for being a Patriot. (I may or may not have just cried my way through the Toby Keith memorial concert… Dude may not have been a Cowboy, but he should’ve been… Incredible human. Sorely missed.)

Day 17: FRIENDS. This was Must See TV for me back in the Day. And 22 years ago, I watched the episode where Rachel and Ross had their baby and named her Emma while I was in the hospital just one day after I gave birth to my Emma (and Lara). I’ve gone to sleep watching the Nick at Night reruns for well over a decade. I still laugh out loud. And say the lines before the actors do. And thankfully, my husband and kids all love it to. We even had a conversation one night where we all decided which character we were. (I’m Monica, Britt is Chandler, Emma is Phoebe, Lara is Rachel, Jake is Joey and Finn is Ross.)

Day 18: Technology. I remember our first microwave. My Speak and Spell! Mr. Professor calculator. Atari. Wired remotes. MTV. 6 number dialing (my college boyfriend’s tiny town still had 4 digit dialing at the time!). The palm pilot. Floppy disks. The ones that were actually floppy and the smaller hard ones… all of that led to this tiny multi-functional tiny computer I currently hold in my hand. Wow

Day 19: Date Nights and Friday Night Lights. Tonight Britt and I went to the Edlam football game- North @ Santa Fe. By ourselves. The weather was great. North won. We saw friends, enjoyed each other’s company and capped it off with ice cream! One of our very first dates was a high school football game, and we’ve been to COUNTLESS more in the last 18+ years. Tonight was fun! As have been all the date nights with my husband!

Day 20: Naps! I’ve always been a big fan of sleep. I slept in the car as a kid allll the time. I napped in college. I love sleeping. There was a time when all 4 kids where home/little that if someone asked me my favorite activity I would say sleeping. I share naps with either the couch or the bed. Just depends. I had a DEEP nap today. Woke up super confused. And missed the only 20 minutes this weekend that Jake was home. Made me think about all the other things I’ve missed out on during a nap. But I rarely care too much, because … NAPS!

Day 21: Game shows. Shout out to the OSU ADPis from 1993-1995 (ish) that scheduled their classes around The Price is Right and coined the phrase “sh!tty showcase music!” And watching Jeopardy as a kid with my grandparents after school. And then I married a TV Game Show Aficionado. And Game Show Network became a thing. So if you pulled the data for our TV watching for the last 18 years, I am not sure which would come in first: Nickelodeon for Friends every night, or GSN the old reruns form the 60’s and 70s Britt watches during the mornings sometimes and for the game shows we watch during dinner. It’s wholesome, we learn something, and it’s the only thing we can all agree on! (Although sometimes I have issues with misophonia and have to turn it down , off, or leave the room. Thanks, Anxiety!)

Day 22: 4 years in Florida. The summer after fourth grade, we moved to Sarasota, Florida. I was 10. We were there from 1985-1989. Brian graduated from high school there. I LOVED it. My grandparents had moved down there a couple years earlier. And they lived on their 42” boat in a marina on Longboat Key. We had so many beach adventures on Siesta key! It was idyllic at my age. I went to 3 schools in those 4 years. I went back as a young adult to attend the wedding of one of my best friends from those years. I am so glad I got that experience

Day 23: DANCE! I started dancing at 3. Did it through my jr year of high school. The girls started very young as well. Emma did it off and on but never loved it the way Lara did. Lara danced through 9th grade until sports took over her life. I loved it so much. The parent watch night were not my favorite, but I LOVED recital season! The girls were also lucky enough to have one of the same dance instructors I had as a kid (Miss Tracy)! I started at Miss Margaret’s which became Encore!, and the girls danced at both Encore! and Showstoppers over the years. All the memories…

Day 24: Miracles. I’ve seen them. I’ve seen God give us beauty for ashes. More times than I can count. But on this day 3 stand out.
1 - my scientifically engineered precious baby girl twins. I was never going to be a mom. But God… he laid out all our steps and put the right plans in motion for these blessings to be part of our lives.

2 - my tenacious middle child who made us a family. I thought I’d never love again. Never be surrounded by love daily in the way I’d imagined as a little girl. But God. He sent me Britt at my lowest point after being broken for a long time. He married me and gave me a fabulous son. The three of us were the family I always dreamed of, and his sisters were the cherries on top.

3 - my sweet surprise baby boy who came on the heels of losing my big brother. We were told we couldn’t have any more. Then we lost my brother suddenly and unexpectedly. But God. He gave us all the surprises when we found out about our bonus baby! And he is a miracle for all the things he has overcome!
"…to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair" Isaiah 61:3

Day 25: Traditions. Rituals, favorite activities… Many of our family traditions start and end in Stillwater and Oklahoma State. We are generation deep in our loyal and true, and we teach guns out and orange power very young. Homecoming walkaround and the parade. Waving wheat, Pistol Pete, Go Pokes and all the rest. And there’s our personal family traditions too: back to school pics and signs, birthday cake for Jesus on Christmas Day, three gifts per kid on Christmas- gold (something they want), Frankincense (something they need), and myrrh - something to share, egg smash at Easter, our before meal prayer, our bedtime prayer … I hope my kids carry on these traditions and make many of their own!

Day 26: This PLACE! Oklahoma State University. As we come to the end of Land Grant Week, I have been reflecting on what OSU means to me.

Growing up in Stillwater, my family didn’t have a lot to do with campus beyond sporting events and dance recitals. But when I was in high school, my mom started working at the University Credit Union, which had its office on the 3rd floor of the Student Union. I had a little clerical job after school starting when I was a sophomore. That was my first job on this campus. Fast forward a few years, and I was a student. During my time on campus I lived on the 12th floor of Kerr, the 11th floor of Willham South, and both housing floors of the “old” Alpha Delta Pi house. I worked a few work-study jobs along the way as well. After I got my Bachelor’s degree, I left Oklahoma for the better part of a decade, then came back to Stillwater and to OSU for more jobs, and then another degree, and more jobs. So, I have been on this campus for most of the last 35 years.

I have worked in Student Affairs / Campus Life (Greek Life, Dining), Athletics (Football), Academic Affairs (Registrar’s Office), The Business College, the College of Education, the College of Engineering, Technology, & Architecture, and Institutional Research. I’ve worked in Willard Hall, Engineering North, the “Old” Business Building, the Classroom Building, the PIO building, half a dozen locations in the Student Union. I’ve been an administrative assistant, recruiting assistant, marketing coordinator, Assistant Registrar and CRM Coordinator. I’ve been a student twice, a parent of THREE students, and this semester I joined the faculty. I have done a lot and seen a lot! And I love it all.

Having this much history, and this much affinity for a place was yet another thing not on my 2024 bingo card, but here we are. And let me tell ya, when the OSU haters start in on me, I give this whole story and a million other facts right back at them (Did you know I have one of the original $1,000 bonds that sealed the land for the college?), and ask them if they know that much about their school and if that school has basically been the cornerstone for every aspect of their life. If they can match my saga, passion, and purpose, then I will hear them out. If not, then please just sit down. I will forever bleed orange and be one of the loyal-est and truest out there! (And yes, I am a lifetime member of the Oklahoma State University Alumni Association!) #go<freaking>pokes #loyalandtrue #orangeisthehappiestcolor

Day 27: Adventure. When the kids were little, and time we left the house felt like an adventure! This is one of Britt’s favorite words. And we used it a lot (still do). Sometimes the “adventure” was as simple as dinner out. Other times it was a well planed, week long road rip. Still others it was an Oklahoma day trip destination that was new to us. We explored towns, cemeteries, parks, old buildings. We saw the sites, did the things, ate at the places. Always an adventure.
Tonight’s adventure after dinner out with Lara (who turned up at our house midday), was to scout locations for Jake’s senior pictures. I find it a cruel irony that my milestone birthday is so  chronologically close to my child’s 18th birthday and high school graduation…

Day 28: All the things my people have taught me. This could get really long, so I’m going to limit it to big things my kids taught me… Emma taught me about country living. Horses, rodeos, bison, goats, plants, farming, and SO MUCH MORE! Lara taught me about sports by being a high school manager for so many, then laser focusing on wrestling in college and professionally. I still don’t understand it all, but I love it and how excited she gets about it. I’ve always been a basketball fan, but Jake has taken it to a whole other level. I have met so many people, seen so many new places, learned all about college recruiting, and had so many experiences I would have never had without him. And Finn taught me about the NICU, March of Dimes, and all the amazing people associated with both. He has overcome so much, and all the lessons I’ve learned along the way helped me be a better human.
I remember when the girls were little I had a thought once where I was imagining all the people I’d never met that I would meet because of them: parents of their friends, future spouses and their families, etc. It’s crazy to think back now at all the people I have met because of the kids and I still have a lot more to meet! Life is learning.

Day 29: The DFW Metroplex years. I lived and worked in the Metropox for about 8 years after I graduated college. 1st big girl job, 1st house, 1st babies (TWINS). A lot of my sorority sisters has migrated down that way, and a few years after I moved there my brother did too. Lots of fun was had as I learned how to make it on my own. We didn’t have cell phones and GPS, so I had a brave face, my cute little royal blue Chevy Cavalier, the MAPSCO, and I mustered up A LOT of courage during those years. I had to grow up fast! Loved you, Texas. But also happy to be back in Oklahoma when the time came!

Day 30: my life motto: “Grace Wins Every Time.” NOTHING has been a straight line in my life. Nothing has been what I imagined. I’ve struggled with “always being on the loosing team.” Self doubt, insecurities, anxiety. Working twice as hard and getting half as much. Being told “I’m so loyal” & “Thank you for your patience” but never getting the promotion, the raise, the accolades. But GRACE! Grace is a gift from God that is given freely, without merit, an undeserved favor. And grace ABOUNDS. When I get down, I remember GRACE. God’s Grace. “Then the name of our Lord Jesus will be honored because of the way you live, and you will be honored along with Him. This is all made possible because of the grace of our God and Lord, Jesus Christ." -2 Thessalonians 1:12

That’s when my life motto strengthens me and reminds me of who I am and WHOSE I am. I even won a contest one time and got my motto on a bracelet sold in stores around Oklahoma. Grace WINS y’all!

Day 31: Sunrises. I’ve always loved a good sunrise. But I was usually too “busy” in the mornings to see them. Since I stared commenting 45 miles a few days a week about 2 years ago, I’ve seen MANY! Oklahoma sunrises are a treat. When I leave my house, there’s a few different routes I can take to get to the interstate. One of my favorites crests a hill overlooking far south Guthrie over I-35 into Arcadia. When it’s clear (and the windshield is clean), it’s breathtaking. Thankful for the time in my car most days, and enjoy seeing Gods masterpiece on display.

Day 32: Integrity. I may not be the most intentional parent. I may not be the most involved, or strict, or even patient. But, I do work to raise good humans. And this week, for the most part, I feel like I’m doing pretty well. I taught about integrity in my class today, so I have been thinking about it a lot as I prepared. Teaching college classes as a parent of 2 recent grads and a high school senior puts a whole new perspective on things. In nymreflectiins this week leading up to class, I thought of at least one thing per kid from the last few days that showed my kids’ integrity. Made me smile. I even used one of the stories as an example in my class! So, here’s to raising good young adults/teenagers/pre-teens! I’ve got 4 great kids and I am grateful they are never perfect, but always strive to be honest, fair, respectful, trustworthy, and responsible.

Day 33: Long, hot showers with no time limits. I’ve read that the shower is the last place we allow ourselves to be bored and our mind to wander. I can’t count how many times I wished I had a place in the shower to write things down! (There’s some crazy inventions for this out there!) Most of my showers are rushed because of my crazy schedule, but when I get the opportunity? Oh! Yes please! All the shower time!

Day 34: The OSU Cowboy Football years! For almost 4 years, I worked in recruiting with Cowboy Football and was the Orange Pride sponsor. During that time, I also met my husband and had my 3rd child/1st son. I’ve always been a Cowboy, but this was NEXT LEVEL! Office outside of Heritage Hall in Gallagher-Iba (also where Britt proposed), window on Boone Pickens Stadium, weekly meetings in the Varsity Room, traveling with the team, Bowl Game Trips, Recruiting Weekends, Official Visit meals… WOW! What a trip. It was so much FUN, but so much work. With 3 kids, I had to call it quits. Cherish those memories! (And got Finn in on the trend when he joined us later!) Always LOYAL AND TRUE! Go Pokes!

Day 35: Weddings. Some of my earliest memories are from being a flower girl in family weddings. I did it twice. Emma and Lara did it twice, plus were candle lighters for one. I’ve been a bridesmaid, a coordinator, a cake cutter, and a guest. Big weddings, small weddings, formal and casual. Pretty sure my own in 2006 will ALWAYS be my favorite, but we’re walking into a season that’s kinda fun- out kids friends are getting married! Both the girls have been to several weddings lately and done all the things wedding related! This winter we’re traveling to see one of our longest friends son get married. This is a season I didn’t even know I should look forward too. Bring of wedding years! (Maybe I’ll get to be mother of the bride someday…)

Day 36: My Big Brother. We’re coming up on Finn’s birthday, so he’s been on my mind a lot lately. He is truly missed. He tormented me relentlessly, teased me endlessly, and was pretty much the most annoying big brother. But when I needed him, he was always there. Drove me to school, took care of me when I was sick and pregnant, supported me when no one else would. I could have used him SO MANY TIMES in the last 13.5 years…

Day 37: Flowers. I never been much of a flowers girl. Don’t get me wrong, I truly appreciate the gesture, the surprise, the beauty. But I’m a practical kind of person. There’s so many other things I could have done with the money spent on a very temporary gift. Someone told me once that flowers weren’t a very good gift to show love because they wilt and die. I think - in my vary practical way - I may have taken that to heart. But! I love how in the past few years I’ve heard the phrase “give them their flowers” when talking about recognizing others for their accomplishments. Words of affirmation are my love language, and I can “mat talk” (iykyk) with the best of them. So I will give you those flowers all day long when they’re deserved. I like to receive those kids of flowers, too! (For the record, a Gerbera Daisy bouquet makes me swoon.)

Day 38: Libraries! All the books! And you can read them…. FOR FREE! Amazing! The picture is the Edmond Low Library at Oklahoma State - definitely my most visited library. But I love them all. AND! Interlibrary loan (ILL)! If my library doesn’t have it, they borrow it from another library, and then loan it to me?!? FOR FREE! You literally cannot do this with any other resource. And the good libraries have a banned book section front and center so you can read things that open your mind. Just Sayin’! (But if you’re going to buy a book, buy local! To my Stillwater, Guthrie, or Edmond peeps, I have a favorite in each town I’ll highly recommend!)

Day 39: Work Besties! I’ve had some great coworkers in the past. And I’ve been friends with many of them. Sometimes we kept in touch, sometimes not so much. But for the last 7+ years, 2 of my (now former) coworkers have become my best friends. Age, geography, vmand various stages of family life have not kept us apart. This fall, we all finally ended up back in the same zip code (sort of - I’m a commuter.) I love my work besties and doing live with them. Since we met we’ve had one wedding, 3 babies, 2 high school graduations, 2 moves out of town and 1 back, 3 college graduations, and a whole lotta life lived. So thankful for my girl squad! Chelsea McElroy Emily Gibbs

Day 40: Stillwater High School Class of 1993! In true Gen X style, we had our 30th reunion last week, 31 years after we graduated. And in true Betsey style, I ended up ducking out due to other commitments at the 11th hour. LOL. (And, this post is about 12 hours late -that tracks!) But! I went to school with some true gems. Many of them I knew from kindergarten all the way through graduation and beyond. Great memories. Choir, journalism, Yearbook editor, theater productions (I wore a silver body suit and a motorcycle helmet in one - it was epic!), football games, basketball games, clubs, parties, OFF CAMPUS LUNCH! So many amazing memories. We are PIONEERS! #pioneerproud Stillwater High School Class of '93

Day 41: Christmas Cards! We’ve been a little lax the last few years, but it is still one of my favorite traditions. I used to make sure I had my picture by Nov 1, and I mailed the cards out the day after Thanksgiving. The last couple years I haven’t sent any, and for 3-4 years before that I was scrambling last minute to find a few decent pictures of the kids. LOL. This one is from 2018, the last time I think we had a true family photo for our card. We also keep the cards we get each year and we enjoy looking at them as we decorate for the holiday! Maybe I’ll be on top of things this year and actually mail a card… we’ll see!

Day 42: Family. I am so blessed by the people that were around me as I was growing up. My Mom. And Dad, of course - and my big brother, may be rest in peace. But both of my parents each had one sibling, and they each had 2 kids. All in North Central Oklahoma and relatively close in age to me and my brother. So I grew up among my aunts, uncles, and cousins here in Oklahoma. We’re scattered all over the country now, but as kids we saw each other all the time. I also grew up with all 4 of my grandparents. I lost 1 of them in and 2 in my early 20s, and my maternal grandmother was with me until just a few years ago. I also had one set of great grandparents though elementary school! Unheard of. The the extended cousins, great aunts and uncles, the Kansas crew… whew! All of them had a huge impact on my life. I look back and have the sweetest memories of growing up in a close family. It’s kinda crazy I see some of my DISTANT cousins more than I see my first cousins these days, but life is tricky that way!

Day 43: The NICU. As we close out September - NICU Awareness Month- I can’t help but reflect on Finn’s 84 days almost 13 years ago. Born at just 26 weeks gestation and weighing a tiny 1 lb 14 oz, he has been fighting ever since. But without those doctors, ARNPs, nurses, RTs, Chaplin, social workers, staff, March of Dimes Family Support, and ALL OF YOU for praying, we would not be where we are today. We made lifelong friends in those baby rooms, halls, wash stations, waiting rooms, and treatment rooms. That whole experience changed me from my core. Eternally grateful for the NICU. Finn is a miracle and the NICU a miracle worker. Who can say if I’ve been changed for the better, but I know I have been changed for good.

Day 44: My parents. Never perfect but always present. I love them so much! My mom is proper. Sassy. Opinionated. A story teller. My dad is loud. Funny. Smart. Adventurous. And together, the are THE BEST. Married 56 years. 2 children. 5 grandchildren. Countless lesson learned, memories made and traditions upheld. The most impactful probably being loyal and true to our Alma Mater! Thanks for everything. You set the bar high and I’m still striving.

Day 45: Emma Marie. Twin A. Stubborn from day 1. Makes life happen. Willful, fierce, independent. Adventurous, wild, daring. Never steps back from a challenge, always learning new things, loyal when it matters most. She’s so many things I am not, and she had taught me so much. She’s too far away, but she calls me often so I’ll forgive her. She’s a joy and a wonder. I’m so grateful God gave me you so I could learn to be bolder. Thanks for being my girl, Emma!

Day 46: Lara Elizabeth. Twin B. Laid back from day 1. Lets life happen. Silly, thoughtful, funny. Nurturing, caring, curious. Empathy and the desire to get things done drive her daily and you can always count on her. She is like me in a lot of ways, but so much more, AND BETTER. Luckily I see her often, and she calls regularly so I get to be part of her daily life. She’s a spark and a laugh rolled into one. I am so grateful God gave me you so I would have a built in bestie. Thanks for being my girl, Lara Beth!

Day 47: Jacob Alan. Jake Kaballen. Jake the Snake. Tree. Little Jake. Gigantasaur. Big Jake. Jake. This child of mine has been remarkable since the day he was born. An old soul. Easy baby. Insanely funny. Charismatic. Engaging. Wicked smart. Athletic. Ready for a challenge. Shy, but worked hard to overcome it. Curious and unafraid to ask hard questions. Always stood out - and not just because he was tall. I said it a lot when he was a little kid - every body needs a little Jake Weaver in their life. I still think it’s true. He changed my life in a million ways. Made me believe in dreams. Made me want to be more curious and ask more questions. Introduced me to so many friends I would have never had without him. He’s a game changer, for sure. Thanks for letting me be your biggest (loudest?) cheerleader and most importantly your mom. It’s truly a blessing. (Except when I open the door to your room! ) Thanks for making life more interesting, Jake!

Day 48: Finn Ricker. Where do I even start? His story - OUR story - is all about adversity, surprise, tenacity, fear, belief, set backs, faith, struggles, and MIRACLES. Finn touched many lives before he was even born, and so many more in his first 84 days, and the years beyond. He changed his sisters’ lives, his brother’s life, Britt’s life and mine - COMPLETELY. He restored my faith, tested my resolve, and taught me patience. The first 3 years of his life were so tough. He is uniquely himself, and some days that is more endearing than others. He is the gift I didn’t expect and the one I didn’t know I needed. Finn - thank you for making this family whole. You were the missing piece, and I love you so much!

Day 49: TODAY!!!!! Today, my husband and kids pulled of a surprise party for my 50th birthday that I never EVER expected. I hate surprises. But this?!? Woah. So blessed. I bawled like a baby. And I seriously had NO CLUE! I was honestly shocked, and probably spent way too much time trying to figure out how people I am with hours in end day over day pulled it off. Seriously. NO. CLUE. It was truly the best party I could have ever asked for. I know many people were unable to be there, but know you were missed. Thank you to the National Wrestling Hall of Fame & Museum for being the venue. The cake was gorgeous and tasted amazing. Fuzzy’s is always good. Lara Elizabeth for the slide show and decor. Emma Horinek for the cupcakes and driving down. Jake Weaver for hiding champagne in his closet for weeks and not drinking it. And for all the labor today. Finn for learning new things about party planning. And my husband Britt Weaver for all the tiny details, sweat, anxiety, and LOVE! I love you so much babe! This was THE BEST day!

October 7, 2024
Day 50: YOU

Every single one of YOU! If you can see this, you have impacted my life. Some good, some bad, all worthy of remembering. Thank YOU! For everything. I am EXCITED for this next chapter.
As my newly minted teenager just reminded me as he went to bed, next time you see me, I’ll be FIFTY!