Thursday, July 27, 2006
Yesterday, I got to
hold a 10 day old baby boy! A guy that works in our equipment room and his S.O. were up here with their newborn son, Bryson Michael, and OF COURSE I had to snag a snuggle! He is so sweet! I forgot how small newborns are. Makes me ready to meet bullet – and it is a LONG time until February!
Monday, July 24, 2006
Made it to 12 weeks!
I am feeling SO much better! I am not as tired as I was there for so long, and I don't feel like I am going to throw up all day long. YAY! I do have some "Preggie Drops" that I keep in my purse, and they have been a life saver a couple of times this week. I still feel nauseous if I get too hungry, so I suck on one of those and I feel MUCH better.
I am just glad to be here at the 12 week mark! I go back to the Doctor in 2 weeks. Britt asked me last night when our next appointment was, and I told him not till mid-August (I couln't remember the date, but it is the 8th), and he was sad. he said he wanted to go NOW! LOL! We are hoping we keep another peek at our little bullet!
I am just glad to be here at the 12 week mark! I go back to the Doctor in 2 weeks. Britt asked me last night when our next appointment was, and I told him not till mid-August (I couln't remember the date, but it is the 8th), and he was sad. he said he wanted to go NOW! LOL! We are hoping we keep another peek at our little bullet!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Good News
I spoke with my doctor this morning, and he basically said they what the tech saw on the u/s was no big deal. He said it looks like the bowel is protruding up into the umbilical cord, but that it is not too serious and will likely not be a big concern. He said that it is very rare that something like this is a major complication. He said the odds are good that it will reverse itself and all will be normal. He has decided not to refer us to a specialist at this time. I have my regular appointment in 4 weeks, and he said when I am there for that, he will schedule another u/s at that point.
So, We get another peek at the baby in about 6 weeks, and we can rest a little easier in the meantime. WHEW!
So, We get another peek at the baby in about 6 weeks, and we can rest a little easier in the meantime. WHEW!
Thursday, July 13, 2006
WOW. That was incredible.
We got to see the baby from all angles, and according to the tech’s measurements, the baby is 10 weeks 5 days. According to my other calculations, I am 10 weeks 4 days, so I am not going to adjust my due date. I am still going with February 4, 2007. The baby was awake for a few seconds, and we got to see the baby’s little arm waving around like mad! “Bullet” wanted us to know he was in there! Bullet also had one foot stuck way up high, and we could see it really well – all 5 toes and everything. You can see it in the picture on this entry. The tech measured Bullet’s heart rate at 171. Pretty fast! She said it slows down here in a few weeks to around 140-150.
But, it looks as if we will be referred to a specialist and have to have this pregnancy monitored pretty closely. Seems Baby Bullet has a defect. The baby has a hernia where the umbilical cord meets the baby’s abdominal wall. All the tech said was that we would have to see a “specialist” (perinatologist?) and that she would have to give her report to my OB. Of course, this is surgery day for my OB, so he won’t even be in the office. I am temped to call his nurse and tell her we are worried and I want him to look at my sono results and call me FIRST THING in the morning. But, I have been able to speak to another OB/GYN doctor about it. There is another doctor in the building that is a family friend. He no longer delivers babies, just does the GYN part of things, and so we stopped by his office to see if he was in. Just as we walked in, he happened to be in the reception area! God is so GOOD! So, we showed him the 2 pictures we had, and told him what the U/S tech had said. He said of course my Doc would go over it and let us know, but from what he could tell from these two pictures, it didn’t look too bad. He said there are varying degrees of these things, and we won’t know anything until we can do more scans and the baby grows. He also said it probably means I have to have a C-section, but we already knew that since the girls were a C-section birth. So, all in all he was pretty reassuring, but Britt and I are both still pretty scared. The good news is that if we are going to a specialist we will get LOTS of sonograms and LOTS of pictures! YAY!
So, we are on pins and needles until we hear from my doctor – hopefully sometime tomorrow. I am thinking about leaving him a message with his nurse, but I haven’t decided yet. I truly hope and pray it is no big deal and the baby just has to have a little surgery when it is born. Pray…
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
First Appointment – 10 weeks 3 days

BP: 126/68 Weight: 211
Pretty uneventful. A little disappointing, even, maybe. After a trip to Panera for a bagel for breakfast, Britt and I got to the Doctor’s office right before my appointment time. The receptionist checked me in, and gave me my little cup to go pee in. After a short wait in the lobby, we were ushered back to the exam room. The nurse briefly went over a few things, and gave me the disrobing speech. The Doctor was in quickly. After some chatting with him about medical and personal things, we were about to start the pelvic exam when my phone rang. It was Emma (and Lara). Emma called to tell me that she threw up on the plane to Montana. She is fine – but that was a funny call to have while sitting in a paper drape at the OB/GYN.
The Doctor proceeded with my pelvic exam and asked if I had any questions about anything. We asked about pre-natal vitamins, and he just said to use OTC ones that had folic acid – which I am, so I will just keep using what I have. He also said that he feels a sonogram this early in the pregnancy is a NECESSITY in order to assure the baby is in the right place, has a beating heart, etc etc etc. And he told us he believes in it SO strongly, that he pays for the first sonogram! So, even though we didn’t even attempt to hear the baby with a Doppler today (Which is why I was disappointed) we have an appointment for a sonogram at 11:30 tomorrow. I can’t WAIT! Everyone keeps asking us if there is just one baby or if there are two. Still waiting to find that out ourselves!
After the appointment, we drove to Oklahoma City and spent the whole day shopping. We even registered for a few baby things at Target and Babies R Us. We had a fun lunch together, and just enjoyed the day as a couple. I even bought my first baby purchase! A super soft and sweet green, yellow and white chenille blanket from BRU. More tomorrow after the sonogram!
Monday, July 10, 2006
Another Monday!
I never really planned on blogging on Monday’s, but it keep happening that way!
Not much new here… I ballooned up a couple of weeks ago and felt all bloated, but I am happy to say I haven’t gotten any bigger the past week. My pants are all still fitting the same – tight and uncomfortable! I have that one pair of maternity Gauchos that I am wearing some, but I am also still squeezing into my other pants with a rubber band at the button!
My sickness has left me in the mornings, but has decided to join me in the afternoons. From about 3 – 7, I am MISERABLE! And that is such a bad time to not feel good! I am trying to finish my work day, go get the kids, come home, enjoy my family… Luckily, I have the best husband on the planet, and he plays with the Twisters and cooks dinner while I catch a short nap most days. And hey – my mornings are a lot more productive now!
Have you ever read anything about pregnancy dreams? I have been having the weirdest dreams! Nothing specific – as I can’t remember details, but they are so VIVID and life like! I wake up feeling the emotions I was having in the dream. I hate that I can’t remember them, I am sure they are very interesting…
Emma and Lara have started marking things off of the “Until Baby Comes” calendar we made for them. Here is a picture of what it looks like:
They marked off the first 2 things this week after the 4th of July. I have my first doctor’s appointment this Wednesday, so I am sure I will have a much better report after that!
Not much new here… I ballooned up a couple of weeks ago and felt all bloated, but I am happy to say I haven’t gotten any bigger the past week. My pants are all still fitting the same – tight and uncomfortable! I have that one pair of maternity Gauchos that I am wearing some, but I am also still squeezing into my other pants with a rubber band at the button!
My sickness has left me in the mornings, but has decided to join me in the afternoons. From about 3 – 7, I am MISERABLE! And that is such a bad time to not feel good! I am trying to finish my work day, go get the kids, come home, enjoy my family… Luckily, I have the best husband on the planet, and he plays with the Twisters and cooks dinner while I catch a short nap most days. And hey – my mornings are a lot more productive now!
Have you ever read anything about pregnancy dreams? I have been having the weirdest dreams! Nothing specific – as I can’t remember details, but they are so VIVID and life like! I wake up feeling the emotions I was having in the dream. I hate that I can’t remember them, I am sure they are very interesting…
Emma and Lara have started marking things off of the “Until Baby Comes” calendar we made for them. Here is a picture of what it looks like:
They marked off the first 2 things this week after the 4th of July. I have my first doctor’s appointment this Wednesday, so I am sure I will have a much better report after that!
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