A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. ~Lao-tzu
Today was my single step. I got up early, I put on some work-out appropriate clothes and shoes, loaded the DVD into the player, and I leaned forward to PRESS PLAY!
Today’s work out: Shakeology – The 30
I figured, I have to start somewhere! I have been using Shakeology as a meal replacement for breakfast for about a month now, and I feel so much better! When I started the shakes, I was still battling the bulging disk (between L4 & L5) in my back. I was still in a brace 24 hours a day, and pretty miserable without it. Since then, I have been weaning myself off the brace – down to about 4-6 hours a day (mostly while sitting at work or in a car), and I can actually bend over! So, the time had come to start moving!
Since the Shakeology workouts were already in my hands, I figured it was a great place to start. I would say I was able to do about 80% of the work today. I did the modified jumping jacks with Lisette, only about ½ of the push ups (on my knees), and had the worse time putting my hands under my hips and lifting up! Since I didn’t have any workout weights on hand, my husband fetched me two cans of corn we had on hand for a holiday recipe he will be preparing tonight. It was funny, but it worked! LOVED working my shoulders! I also was a bit uncoordinated on the knee lifts, but I know it will get better!
With only about 12 minutes left in the workout, my number one daughter came out of her room complaining of a tummy ache. Less than 2 minutes later – I heard her puking in the bathroom. I was DETERMINED not to let this slow me down, so I sent my husband in to help her and just kept on working! Thankful for him and his parenting abilities this morning. He HATES puke, but #1 Daughter is old enough to care for herself some, so she was OK with minimal assistance.
I felt SUCH a since of accomplishment when the workout was over. I was hot, sweaty, and my heart rate was up. I felt GOOD. I felt triumphant! I felt like I was finally doing something good for myself. I hope to keep doing The 30 for awhile until I can get all the way through it, then I will move to The 50! Now, if I could just get my husband to do it with me…
Monday, December 20, 2010
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Still walking it out!

The last couple of weeks have been CRAZY! Bad weather, short work weeks, training events, illnesses, a deadline looming at work, and a freak car accident involving my daughter, and my walking has not been what it was the first two weeks! I have been lucky to get one set of stairs in each day! I still have the alarm set on my phone, and I am still determined to get the walks in! We missed 2 days at work for snow, then I have had 4 2-3 hour training sessions, Dr's appointments for all the kids (Jake's well visit for turning 3, Emma had strep and laryngitis, Lara's car wreck follow-ups), and with this deadline coming up, I have just been working fast and furious to keep up at work, so sometimes the walk gets shoved back. My trainings are all over campus, so I have gotten to walk that way, plus I am always speed walking to and from my car to pick up the kids for appointments! LOL!
Things should slow down this week - barring any OTHER unforeseen problems! So, I am back on the wagon! I have 2 days of Shakeology left (I think), and I am going to make this upcoming week COUNT!
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Two Weeks

So, obviously, the last time I wanted to start blogging again, it didn't really happen. But, now I have purpose again. I am determined to lose some weight! So, I am going to chronicle that journey here... I got new Nike Shox for Christmas. No more excuses!
Two weeks ago, I started my new routine. I set 2 alarms on my new (Samsung Impression) phone with the fun ring tone of "Walk it Out" (You Tube) to get me excited about getting up and moving. It plays at 10:35 and again at 3:35. That allows the halls to be clear(er) of students. And I have not missed a walk yet.
Here's the scoop. I work on the Oklahoma State University campus in the Engineering department. My office is on the first floor of a 5 story building. There is a stair case at the north and south ends of the building - my office is almost dead center on the first floor. So, I go out my door, head north or south (depending on my mood), and go up the second floor, then across to the opposite stair well, then up, and over, up and over. Once I complete the hall on the 5th floor, I start down doing the same thing. I haven't missed one trip (twice a day) since I started on January 4!
I already feel so much better and stronger! I don't get short of breath doing it any more, my knees don't creak as bad, and my posture is better. I have gotten MUCH faster at it, and it almost seems "easy" now. So, today, I am adding a new twist to the afternoon jaunt. A second "rep!" I am going to go up, then down, then back up and down again. I am going to do that for a week (or so), then add another "rep" to the morning walk as well. Hopefully, that will keep the challenge going as I decide what other exercise to add in.
Today is also the first day in the 2nd step of my plan. Shakeology! My old friend Stephanie Richardson (we worked together BACK IN THE DAY when I was in the Dallas area) is a coach for Team Beachbody (www.funfitmom.com), and she introduced me to the meal replacement shakes and sent me a sample pack to get me started. I am going to replace lunch for a week and see how it goes!
So, wish me luck on this journey, and check back often for updates!
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