So, obviously, the last time I wanted to start blogging again, it didn't really happen. But, now I have purpose again. I am determined to lose some weight! So, I am going to chronicle that journey here... I got new Nike Shox for Christmas. No more excuses!
Two weeks ago, I started my new routine. I set 2 alarms on my new (Samsung Impression) phone with the fun ring tone of "Walk it Out" (You Tube) to get me excited about getting up and moving. It plays at 10:35 and again at 3:35. That allows the halls to be clear(er) of students. And I have not missed a walk yet.
Here's the scoop. I work on the Oklahoma State University campus in the Engineering department. My office is on the first floor of a 5 story building. There is a stair case at the north and south ends of the building - my office is almost dead center on the first floor. So, I go out my door, head north or south (depending on my mood), and go up the second floor, then across to the opposite stair well, then up, and over, up and over. Once I complete the hall on the 5th floor, I start down doing the same thing. I haven't missed one trip (twice a day) since I started on January 4!
I already feel so much better and stronger! I don't get short of breath doing it any more, my knees don't creak as bad, and my posture is better. I have gotten MUCH faster at it, and it almost seems "easy" now. So, today, I am adding a new twist to the afternoon jaunt. A second "rep!" I am going to go up, then down, then back up and down again. I am going to do that for a week (or so), then add another "rep" to the morning walk as well. Hopefully, that will keep the challenge going as I decide what other exercise to add in.
Today is also the first day in the 2nd step of my plan. Shakeology! My old friend Stephanie Richardson (we worked together BACK IN THE DAY when I was in the Dallas area) is a coach for Team Beachbody (www.funfitmom.com), and she introduced me to the meal replacement shakes and sent me a sample pack to get me started. I am going to replace lunch for a week and see how it goes!
So, wish me luck on this journey, and check back often for updates!