Here we are over halfway through November. Reflecting on the upcoming holiday and all we
are thankful for. I am so thankful for
my amazing family. And my new job. I’ve been here a month now. Challenging in s an understatement, but so is
rewarding! When you are learning
something new, with others who are learning something new, every victory –
however small – is celebrated! And we celebrate
with memes, gifs, and laughs. We have
had WEEKS of 2 steps forward followed by one step back, then one step forward
and TWO steps back, but we are learning every day! Add to that, we are all getting to know each
other -professionally and personally. What
a way to be stretched! While I am physically
and mentally exhausted, I am energized by the newness of it all. And oh so grateful for the opportunity.
In reflecting on all the changes I have endured the last few
weeks, I keep coming back to the word KIND.
I see it everywhere these days.
T-shirts, mugs, stickers… People
say it, and probably mean it, but then I see things that honestly aren’t very kind
from some of those same people. And believe
me, I fall into that category more than I wish I did. So, what is it to be kind? And not just kind when it is convenient. Or it fits your platform. Or when being kind gets the results you
want. What does it mean to BE KIND and
to ACT WITH KINDNESS all the time?
Here is what I think it looks like, to me anyway: Grace. God’s grace. God’s grace flows from the essence of his being: “The LORD, the
LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast
love and faithfulness” (Exodus 34:6).
Read that again. Merciful. Gracious.
Slow to anger. Love.
So, in everyday situations, it means no judgment. It means your story has WORTH and it is HONORABLE
– and so is mine. Your choices, while
they still have consequences, are to be met with love and mercy. And so are mine. You are WORTHY, Loved, cherished. AND SO AM I.
Kindness is a two-way street, with no end. If you want kindness in return, be
kind. If you show kindness and it is not
returned, BE KIND. You can only control your own actions. So just BE KIND. No matter the intent, no matter the IMPACT
(which can be in conflict), show God’s love, grace, and mercy. Love conquers all.
And a quick Weaver Family update: We are looking forward to
Thanksgiving week! A few days off our
routine, good food, and family. Emma is
going to Louisiana with her paternal grandmother and her boyfriend to see some
extended family. Lara must move out of
her sorority house, so she is bunking at Nana’s for the week. Jake and Finn are glad to be out of school,
but Jake is going to fill some of his time off by working out with the Varsity and
JV Pioneer basketball teams since his 9th grade team is off the whole
week. I know the girls are both looking
forward to their Fall semesters ending! Lara
ends the term as a junior and is already enrolled for the Spring. Emma’s courses roll forward and she will have
a few schedule changes as well. We are
excited for Freshman basketball – the first game is December 6!
All 4 kids in one place! 11.07.2021 |
Relentless Basketball (Jake's travel team) |
Austin, Emma (and Finn!) |
Finn says GO POKES! |
Austin and Emma |
Lara all dressed up! |
ADPi Philanthropy Night |
Veteran's Day at Finn (and Dad's) school |