Over the course of the year, Jake turned 14 in January, Emma and Lara turned 19 in May, and Finn turned 10 in October. Britt and Betsey had birthdays as well, but just know they are over the hill. Jake finished 8th grade and moved on to 9th at Stillwater Junior High while Finn graduated 3rd grade and moved up t fourth at Westwood. Lara continued as a sophomore at Oklahoma State University, while Emma moved to Ark City Kansas to pursue a degree at Cowley College. As we welcomed 2021, Britt had just started his job as "Noon Monitor" at Westwood, and he has really been able to grow and thrive in that position as we returned to a more normal school setting every few weeks. Betsey started the year as Assistant Registrar at OSU, but finished her Master's Degree in May and moved to a new coordinator position in a brand new department in October. Britt and Betsey both got new (to us) used cars late in the summer due to the Great Weaver Car Shuffle of 2021 which started with Lara totaling the car she got when she turned 16. She is now driving the Jeep we had for several years, and we are starting to shop for Jake's car, while we wear in our newest additions. This place looks like a used car lot some days when we are all here! Everyone is moving onward and upward!
Lara finished out her freshman year in the dorms at OSU, then came home for the summer. She went back to campus in the Fall to live in the brand new Alpha Delta Pi house - appropriately nicknamed the "ADPalace." The fall semester kept her busy with homecoming, having a new little diamond sister, all the social events and philanthropy events that happen in Greek life, and of course her courses. She also worked her 2 jobs and ended the semester 1 credit shy of officially being a junior. She will start the Spring semester as an officer in her chapter. She is the Director of Alumnae Engagement. Seems appropriate since she is a double legacy! She is excited about the position! She also ended the year by applying to be a counselor for the fall formal recruitment process.
Emma finished out the Spring term at OSU, then lived and worked in Kay County with her paternal grandfather for the summer - including keeping her Auto Zone job from Stillwater and transferring it to Ponca City. During that time, she decided to pursue her education at Cowley College in Arkansas City. Late in the summer, we went up for a tour and to decide on housing, She lives in a campus housing complex (a converted assisted living home) called "The Lodge" in a single room. It is a little off-campus, but still part of the college. She transferred her Auto Zone job from Ponca City to Ark City and had a GREAT first semester. She is looking forward to classes starting back up in the Spring!
Jake started 2021 playing basketball and ended it the same way. He has made the school team both years but also plays AAU and travel ball as much as he possibly can. He spent most of 2021 on the Relentless Team. They are a fun group to watch, and they win a lot so that's fun, too. Jake has been in several advanced level classes as a Freshman and has done very well academically. He has an amazing group of Christian friends, and his social calendar is always full. So between basketball, school, and friends, he keeps pretty busy. If not those activities, he is playing Xbox, watching youtube, or making TikTok videos! Typical teenage boy!
Finn has really matured a lot this year! Life has thrown a lot at him, and he turned 10, so he wants to do big kid's things now. He has THE BEST fourth-grade teacher this year, and they have a special bond He is also in the Gifted and Talented program at his school. But I think the thing he loves the most about school is that his dad is there for lunch and recess! Finn got to read the morning announcements at school recently and lead the school in the pledge of allegiance. He is looking forward to things getting more normal again so he can maybe play piano, learn guitar, or play soccer. But, he has a healthy fear of getting sick with covid, so he stays pretty close to home these days.
The holiday season was pretty low-key for the 4 Weavers. Lots of baseball practice, video games, food, and local family. Emma and Lara spent 7 days in Costa Rica with their Dad and Stepmom visiting their paternal grandfather. The pictures were amazing and their stories full of life, but we were glad to be able to celebrate Christmas with them - a few days late - once they returned. Surprisingly, I have very few pictures of Christmas day with my boys and NONE of Twister Christmas a few days later. My parents joined us for both of these celebrations, so that was a blessing as well.
We are starting 2022 with a Coivd spike it seems. Britt and Betsey have worn masks at work all year, but the kids all started off Fall term strong with masks but fell off pretty quickly. Finn was the most diligent, but he was fully vaccinated by Chsirmas and didn't wear one 100% of the time towards the end of school. The Omicron variant is spreading quickly and seems to be more contagious and more potent. So, we figure masks will be more popular as school starts back up.
So here's to 2022. Covid, School, Jobs, Sports, and all the rest. I am here for it! I am glad for all the lessons 2021 taught me, and I am looking forward to more growth in 2022.
2021 Recap video I made for us:
Watch on TikTok
Here's to a prosperous 2022!