Friday, November 3, 2023

October 2023


  • "My beloved October has returned—with its brilliant colors, cool temperatures and sunny, cloudless, azure skies, and I must enjoy it before it escapes for another year." — Peggy Toney Horton, Somewhere in Heaven My Mother Is Smiling
  • Whew! October was ... something! 31 long days.  The middle of the semester trudge were there are more test and quizzes and less free time.  They time where one day you are wearing a tank top and the next a winter coat and gloves.  And for us, a time of unrest.  The events of the month were most turbulent for me, but as the mom is trickledown to everyone else as well.  We weathered the storm and are looing forward to the end of the year with its' holidays, celebrations, and promises of a new year.

  • Edmond North started basketball practice

    Jasper turned 3

    Mom got a flu shot at work


I won a fun award at work

Homecoming for Edmond North Football - the Basketball Boys made a float for the parade! And Jake found the camera in the stands at Volleyball!


Shortly after we left the football game just before half time on Friday night (the 6th), I started not felling well, and it all went downhill fast from there.  Went to the closest ER about 11, was transferred to a larger hospital by ambulance abut 1am, and was in surgery around noon on Saturday.  My appendix was not loving life and decided to revolt!  I was released Sunday evening to go home and heal.  The next several days are all a blur of pain and sleep and feeling useless.


Slowing feeling better, but then I made a bad choice...

Thursday night, the 12th, my mom was being honored at a community dinner for her 33 years of service to the Oklahoma Community Credit Union.  I had said for MONTHS I was going to this event.  I am glad I went - but going to Stillwater, going to the event, and going back to Edmond were TOO MUCH!  Glad I got some pics and made some memories, even more glad to be home and back in bed for a few days!

Proud of you, Mom!

Finn was honored at his Middle School with a Cougar Café (the Cafeteria) Honor award for respect.  We are SO PROUD of him!

Britt and I went to Oklahoma Christian University to hear the Author of "Killer of the Flower Moon" speak - we still haven't seen the movie!

I got to be a model for my cousin's t-shirt shop in Texas

And the move to our new office got real when we went to measure for desks and the way finding signs were already there!  Time to pack!

On Fall Break, Jake and some of his buddies went to a weekend Church Camp at Canyon Creek in Hinton, OK called Celebration.

Post Camp!

During Homecoming week I packed my office...

---and got to spend time on Library Lawn looking at the sign competition entries with my Lara Bug!

Central Oklahoma was treated to a gorgeous and bright double rainbow!

My desk was assembled in my new space

And the GMC ran out of gas on a hill and had to be towed home. :(


Next up - Halloween...

Jake went to a party as a zombie basketball player

Finn made some Fortnite gun out of Mountain Dew Code Red cans and hot glue

And we got Jake's basketball pictures back!

Britt and his work crew were Willy Wonka and the Oompa Loompas

Finn wore Jake's old chicken costume and went TorT'ing with his neighborhood friends!
(They all meet at 6:30am for the bus everyday to take them to the middle school!)

WHEW!  It was a long month, but it went fast.  I still don't think I have full recovered... We are looking forward to November and basketball season starting, and thinking about how dark and cold it will be at 6:30am for the next few months!

Reading was very much on the back burner in October.  I spent a week in bed and another week seeping every minute  wasn't as work.  But, I got in one audio book, the Book Club read, and a short seminal piece of feminist literature.  Weird grouping, but I am always learning!

"The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman 

"The Things We Leave Unfinished" by Rebecca Yarros 

"Nightbitch" by Rachel Yoder (Book Club Choice)

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