Sunday, August 18, 2024

Senior Sunday: August 18, 2024

(I told Jake Weaver I wasn’t going to do every Sunday, but I had to mark FDOS memories…) First Day of Pre-K at Westwood in Stillwater➡️ First Day of Senior Year at North on Edmond. Same Smile! #seniorsunday

Senior Sunday: August 11, 2024

Welp. Here is it. The first ‘Senior Sunday’ for my Class of 2025 baby. He’s always had epic hair - even as a newborn. I can’t believe we’re here. Have a great first week of senior year, @jake.weaver50 

Thursday, August 8, 2024

July 2024


  • "We can just let July be July, let the sun hang in the sky, clear your minds of all the the things you're waiting on." -- L. M. Montgomery
Read that again.   That was me this July.  The last Summer month ever with Jake in high school.  The last AAU basketball tournaments.  The last trips of the 4 of us traipsing across the middle of the country paying WAY too much money for paper sticky bracelets that have to last 3 days through showers, sleep, and all the rest - even though they fade, and wad, and itch like crazy.  I was determined to soak it all in, and enjoy every second.  But boy howdy - it. was. EXHAUSTING!  So much basketball, windshield time, and stinky basketball gear. Hours on the road, in cramped hotels (we do this on a shoestring budget, mind you), loud and temperature uncontrolled basketball gyms.  But oh!  The former teammates, coaches, and new friends met along the way.  The coaches we met and the colleges we are looking at for Jake. And the MEMORIES! Add to tall the basketball, the other things Weavers do, and it was truly a month to remember.

And, to remind myself - they still need me:

We spent the 4th of July weekend in Northwest Arkansas practicing with AAU for the Big Phoenix tournament.  We had a BLAST, and even got to head over to Lake Table Rock and Shell KNob, MO to see our Kansas Cousins!  SO GREAT!


Celebrity Sighting! 


After a night of rest at home, it was time to get Jake back to NWA for more practice, and his flight with his team to Phoenix.  And FOUR DAYS of basketball in the 110+ degree heat! And while he was doing that, Lara was on a 10 day trip across the midwest to watch as many Niall Horan concerts as she and her friends could pack in, so we had an extra pup for awhile!




Next up - official Senior Pictures for the yearbook!  They do all of these in a studio for consistency fr free, then if you want to buy them you can.  I was not ready - I made the boys pic the one for the yearbook...

We had LOTS of family game nights to close out the summer as well.


Next Up, Indianapolis.  And again, we could not travel so we watched a lot of games through the streaming service.  It's not the same, of course, but it will do in a pinch!

The girls are still chasing concerts... ;)
Mom and Dad snuck in a date night! (Stillwater)

AAO Flight Pro16 17U - the end

I went to a day long training for my new gig (more in August)


Cousin Jane and Al, and Rocco & Faith came down fo rther annual Summer visit, so Finn got to partake in a week of "Cousin Camp" with this Great Aunt Shelley and the New York Cre - he had a blast!

2017 - 2024

Jake got some new wheels, so we had to show Grandma Mary!


And then we spent a wonderful night as a family celebrating the end of summer before Jane and Family headed back to NYC.  It was a great night!

The OG's!
Newest Generation - Cousin Camp!


My CREW and their Rides!

Ended the month exhausted, but there is no rest for the weary.  Back to work after a fun weekend, and then on the last day of the month, Grandpa had surgery....

Good Hair Day!
Nana and Emma came to my office to get away from the hospital...


...Lara and I took our turn at Grandpa's bedside.

I am looking forward to August, but not all of the "lasts" that come with it.  Please be kind, August!

July - again - lots of time spent on basketball, but I did get some good reading in this month!

July Reads: (Hidden Oaks postponed their books club;  missed all the Novel Idea book clubs again!)

"The Debutante" by Jon Ronson

"Sorry For the Inconvenience: A Memoir" by Farah Rishi

**"Shark Heart" by Emily Habeck (Last Month's "Women of Guthrie / A Novel Idea Book Shop Club pick)

*"Lessons in Chemistry" by Bonnie Garmus (Hidden Oaks Book Club pick)

"The Idea of You"  by Robbine Lee

"Come and Get It" by Kiley Reid

Odds on me making a Book Club meeting in August???... We'll see!

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