- "The morning, the sun endures past dawn. I realise that this is August: the summer's last stand." -- Sara Baume
August, you tried to kill me, but you DID NOT succeed! She came in a little slower; knowing the pace was about to be break-neck. So the first week was like a fool's paradise... Then, the gathered steam as the "FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL" mark on the calendar grew closer and closer... Then, BOOM! All the things all the time! My job became the most chaotic (and toxic) it has ever been, my my mind and body rebelled. My temporary solution was to add about a dozen vacation days to the calendar over the next several months - knowing I could not drop the ball at this moment in time, but also knowing I needed (and deserved) a break soon! But, school started, the job calmed down, and through all our typical Weaver adventures, we survived - and even thrived a little bit!
We started off with a trip north to Wichita (and Newton) Kansas to play in the MAYB Nationals tournament. Jake has played in this many time before, but not in several years. His recruiting guy put together an Oklahoma team, and off we went!
Then it was Britt's birthday, back to school doctor appointments and haircuts, high school schedule release, middle school schedule release, make the back to school signs... WHEW!
Up Next ELITE CAMP WEEKEND! We went to 3 Elite camps for basketball prospects over 3 days - Friday at OBU, Saturday at MSSU, and Sunday at NSU.
And now a week to get back on our feet, kind of... School schedule walking, mom wiring OSU Welcome Week, and gathering supplies for school, FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL... OH! And Jake's old OK Flight team decided to pick up and enter a tournament!
Jake and his buds after Senior Sunrise! |
Classes FINALLY started at OSU, and I got to do a new thing! TEACHING! I am instructing one section of our UNIV 1111 Freshman Seminar class for the College of Education and Human Sciences. My class is all Aviation majors - including pro-pilot and aviation management majors! So far, it's been a BLAST!
And Jake met another celebrity while playing pickleball at Kickingbird with his friends... (Any OKC Thunder fans out there...)
AAAAAAAAAAAND because Elite Camp Season is not over yet, we hit up another one at OSU!
We got to play in their photo gallery a little bit, too!
I was so tired by this point I am not even sure what happened the last week of the month. It was National Dog day and OSU Pete's Pet Posse had fun events, and we loved on our pups extra, but other than that... no clue!
We also had to deal with Grandpa Larry having a major surgery and a rough recovery the second half of this month.. It's been A LOT with mom's memory and concentration issues. Emma, Lara, me, Britt and my Aunt Shelley have all been on Ricker duty. As I write this, I feel like we might be coming out of that fog... We'll see...
Welp! As you can see, August was crazy. Reading and book clubs - were a luxury I could not afford. But, I did get ot turn a few pages along the way...
"Sandwich" by Catherine Newman
--this one hit SO CLOSE to home. I really liked it.
"Second Chance Summer" by Kait Nolan
"Burn Book: A Tech Love Story" by Kara Swisher
"The Life She Was Given" by Ellen Marie Wiseman
September... Be kind to this reader!
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