Friday, January 18, 2019

The One With Snow in Kay County

 January 11-13, 2019

This weekend we finally got some snow!  In Stillwater, it consisted of snow you could see falling, big flakes, but you can't see it on the ground.  A little further north, it snowed enough on Saturday morning to cover the ground and make for some cool pictures (below).  The weekends this year seems to be less "full," but I think it is because Emma and Lara can both drive, have their own vehicles, and are busy in their own right.  *sigh*  It happens so fast, and yet so gradually.  I miss them.  But the weekend happened, and this is my platform to document it.

Lara spent most of the weekend with the Pioneer Wrestlers.  Meet in Ponca City Thursday night and a tournament in Yukon Friday (and Saturday, but she didn't go).  Saturday was her little brother Finn's first EVER organized sports even with an Upward Basketball game.  That started out pretty rough, but in the end he had a great time.  On Sunday, Lara spent time with her friend Erika and we to the Sing Along version of the Freddie Mercury/Queen bio-pic called Bohemian Rhapsody.  Pretty typical weekend for her these days!

Friday was the official one year anniversary of her time as a freshman attendant for Wrestling Homecoming, so we had to commemorate it with a Then and Now photo:

Emma spent her weekend in Ponca City and Newkirk areas of Kay County.  Her truck was fixed from last weekends fiasco, and she needed to work for her Grandpa a little bit to pay off her debt and earn some gas money!  She took these fun pictures of the snow as they drove in to Newkirk Sunday morning:

I didn't hear from her the rest of the weekend, but these days that's pretty typical!  She did text me to say a little gift I had ordered for her showed up at her dad's house...

70 more weekends...

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