Saturday, March 21, 2020

The One That Felt Like Spring

March 6 - 8, 2020

It seems like Spring has sprung!  Baseball is happening.  Days are getting a little warmer, but when the sun goes down it is still cold.  Lara spent a lot of time at Couch Park with the Pioneer Baseball family, and Emma started softball practice this week.  Looking forward to some days in the sun.

Lara fought the flu this week and had to rearrange some final exams, but by the end of the week, she was feeling much better and getting things done.  There was lots of pre-season baseball to be played, and Spring Break to look forward too.

As a family, we had a little drama to deal with, which involved packing up our home in less than 48 hours and moving in with Nana and Grandpa in Perkins for a few days.  Not our brightest moment, but Lara showed true grace and leadership during this trying time.

Living at Nana's house leads to finding treasure.  Like Mom's Senior prom dress from 1993.  Which, of course, had to be tried on...

So thankful for helpful kids who took on the attic at our house like a BOSS and made this emergency move a little more bearable:

And the whole family showed Jake a lot of support as he participated in a chicken wing eating contest to raise money for his summer camp tuition.  Emma showed up after this picture was taken.

This was definitely a weird weekend.  But grateful to spend some time with my Seniors!  The race towards graduation is in the final laps.  We have caps and gowns now, too.  So we will be taking those pics in the near future!  We leave you with a meme that reflects the time we are in:

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