Friday, October 4, 2024

September 2024


  • "By all these lovely tokens, September days are here. With summer's best of weather, and autumn's best of cheer." -- Helen Hunt Jackson
Oh September!  Pumpkins spice EVERYTHING appears prolifically and absolutely.  We yearn for cooler weather, but we live in Oklahoma.  The leaves try to change, but only the vines running down the tree trunks prevail. For us, even the school schedule doesn't yield much excitement.  We have settled in,but nothing fun or exciting has happened yet.  Official school basketball is still a month off for Jake and none of Finn's extracurriculars are in swing either.  We need the deep breath that the first few weeks of September allows.  But, as the month proceeds, it doesn't really last...

It was Labor Day weekend, and Jake was 17.  He probably bought a Coke, and some gasoline.  Some sort of stain on his white T-shirt... Jake didn't see anyone in miniskirts, but Dad and I had a date at a football game - that was it - highlight of the week!

Week 2 was remarkably slow going as well.  But SUCH a needed break!  It was THUD (The HUskies Utterly Dominate - its an Edlam thing) week at North, which meant a week of dress up days.  Jake is only on campus for one rel class, then athletics, so he is not as interested this year. But Britt plays along when he can! And I got to hold Baby Anduin!  He made a visit to campus...  So sweet


BBQ dad                   ...                             It's giving grandma

Mid week was National Daughter's day - a perfect excuse to highlight the VERY BEST!

Emma & Lara  -  best daughters EVER!

The end of THUD week capped off with a pep assembly.  The kind with "class wars" and of course the Seniors always win.  Even when they break the props and your relay anchor is 7 feet tall...

The month was so calm to this point, it was almost boring.  I mean, I had time to think about work, and the weather, and captured it too! WFH coworkers, and the dog sitter who trolls them.  WFH outdoor session, and complaints about the heat on my .33mile walk back from my classroom to my office...



Then, Mom and Dad had a day date driving around Edmond scouting locations for Jake' Senior pictures - which were slated for the next weekend: Lara's car, "Tiggy the Tiguan," yeeted it's drive train belt without her even knowing...  On a friday night, before an OSU game weekend, in Stillwater.  But she got it all handled for the weekend, towed into the shop for repairs on Monday, and fixed and back in her possession on Tuesday. Impressive! (Shout out to Nana and Grandpa for the loaner vehicle for the weekend!) Then my Monday started off on a TOP note with a sweet delivery from a campus partner!


Next up was "Howdy" for Jake.  I am not sure who was saying howdy to whom or way, but sleeves were cut off a flannel, his "date was a sophomore volleyball player, and of course pics with "Cousin" Abby.  (I decided I should look it up - it's a Line Dancing lesson on the baseball field that is a fundraiser for the STUCO yearly fundraiser BALTO (Bringing a Light To Others).  This was Thursday night, then a football game Friday night.  Britt works on the field during football games, so it was a quite Friday night for me!  Huskies lost the game, but I guess they had fun!

For that weekend, I was shocked again that I have grown children who are living their own, unique, busy, grown-up lives...


FINALLY, we ended the month on a weekend high - SENIOR PICS!  So thankful for a sweet friend who traveled to us, weather that cooperated, perfect light, and a great evening trying to get a natural smile out of Jake and exploring Edmond!

And the obligatory "Cousin" Abby pic!

Finn got in on some of the photo action as well, and we used a few outtakes from that to use for our "Son's Day picture" as well! Happy Sons Day to the Adventures of Finn & Jake!

Thoroughly enjoyed a more relaxing September.  The ease and peace were much needed, and I think we did a great job of relaxing and soaking it up! I even red more and GOT TO GO TO MY HIDDEN OAKS BOOK CLUB MEETING!  October is looking like a good book month as well...  I like it!

"The Wedding People" by Alison Espach
**"The Whispers" by Ashley Audrain (WOAH!) (Last Month's Hidden Oaks Book Club pick)

"Bummer Camp" by Ann Garvin (tried to DNF this one several times, but I persevered!)

*"Dark Matter" by Blake Crouch (Hidden Oaks Book Club pick)

"Calling for a Blanket Dance" by Oscar Hokeah

October... Book Clubs?!?

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