Monday, June 25, 2018

The One With Playday and Basketball

June 22 - 24, 2018

This one was BUSY!  Summertime is in full swing.  Lara had this week off from work, so she was busy cleaning her room, getting caught up on laundry, and prepping for future ACT tests.  Emma was working, finding new places to hang out in Kay County, and hitting a curb and taking a chunk out of her tire.

Since her parents are Vice Presidents of the Stillwater Pioneer Athletics Booster Club, Lara (and her 2 little brothers) spent Friday at Pioneer Playday - our all day event that is our biggest fundraiser all year.  Golf Scramble, Fun Run, Sand Volleyball, Doubles Tennis, Bubble Soccer, and a HUGE Silent Auction.  She was busy Thursday night babysitting her brothers, then all day Friday starting by participating in the run, then taking care of kids, then working the bubble soccer event.  All of this was with her "adopted" sister Sarah, too!  PLUS, they had to take care of Sarah's livestock in there as well!  WHEW!  Friday was LONG, and hard, and so much fun!  We're excited for next year already!

Fun Runners!  Jake, Lara, Sarah, Finn

Lara and the BIGGEST Pioneer Fan, Todd!

Lara in a Bubble

Fun video of Lara and Sarah playing in the bubbles after the event was over

Best Co-workers, EVER!

So, after a late night cleaning up from Pioneer Playday, it was up bright and early for a trip to Edmond for (what else?) basketball!  Jake had a one day tournament in Oklahoma City, and the first game was at 9:00am.  Nana, Grandpa, and Emma (!) came to the second game that was at 12:30.  It was a rough day basketball wise (Jake was short a few players on his team), but it was nice to have my whole family all in one place - if only for a minute!  I miss Emma.  Not her craziness, so much, but her presence.  We had a nice chat, and an even nicer hug, and I'll see her again soon...

We had a "One Meal" day at Teds, then when we finally got back to Stillwater early in the evening, we thought we were home for the night,  But in true teenager style, Lara suddenly had plans!  Since everyone's 4th of July is all planned out - and with it being in the middle of the week this year, her friend Molly decided to have a fireworks party!  I love this group of young people and that they are Lara's tribe!

Lara's Tribe

Core 4 - Sarah, Lara, Molly, Clay
The 4 in that bottom pic are off to Falls Creek this coming week.  We will be praying for them daily - as well as all the other EHBC youth that are on the trip - and the leaders, sponsors, and of course the COOKS!  Emma has a dentist appointment to get a filling here in Stillwater, then she is back to Kay County for work!  Teenager Summer is in full swing!

Until next week...

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