April 5 - 7, 2019
Another Spring weekend - another crazy schedule! Baseball, basketball, prom - it never ends. But the memories! We are building life long memories that can never be replaced. As a family, as individuals, as teenagers. These two redheads will thank me fore this someday! It is definitely a labor of love to keep it going, but I am determined to see it through to the end!
The girls' paths did not cross until Sunday so I will approach this post one teenager at a time. Starting with Lara - who had a CRAZY weekend!
Friday night, Lara was in Enid with the baseball team for a tournament. They had an afternoon game and an early evening game. Went 1-1 on the day. But, she also had to be back in Enid early the next day for the final day of the tournament. Even though it was prom, she had promised coach she would be there. Her commitment to the team is strong, plus she only decided at the last minute to go to prom (More on that in a minute), so she left super early Saturday mornig for baseball, then hurried home for prom prep.

She was going to prom with a group of girls, including her BFF Erika. BUT! Erika had only convinced her to go last weekend. So, we had to find a dress and shoes, get things figured out, and make plans in a very short period of time! Luckily, this has somehow become my specialty. We called Emma's friend Katie to ask about a dress Lara had previously tried on when searching for a Wrestling Homecoming dress. GOOD NEWS! She was willing to share! Then, shoes. Emma had a pair of heels (this dress form Katie was LONG) that she had worn to semi last year, and they fit Lara. DONE! Erika helped Lara get a makeup appointment with the same girl doing hers, I was in tap to help with hair, pictures at 5:30, dinner at 7:00 (all at a friend's house), prom at 8:30 on OSU campus; after party back at the same house, sleepover with Erika (2:00am curfew to be at E's). WE GOT THIS! (Oh, and I had to make a side dish for dinner and supply snacks for the after party - WHEW!) I didn't think about the fact that even the solo girls would want wrist corsages, so I dropped the ball there, but we fashioned one out of an unworn boutonniere for pictures. And the results were awesome!
Lara. Stillwater Prom 2019. All That Jazz |
E and L |
Even allowed one with Mom and Nana! |
We got to catch a glimpse of our Emma girl on Sunday. She came by the house on her way to church to pick up the dress and return it to Katie, plus Lara still had a pair of shoes of Emma's from her trip to Gulf Shores last month. Emma came in and gave us all hugs - so we saw her for about 2 total minutes! LOL! She did send this cute pic of her with her dog Skye - who thinks she is a lap dog!
31 more days of school for Lara. 24 for Emma. And then, Seniors! How can this be possible?