Thursday, February 20, 2020

The One With ALL the Sports

February 14-17, 2020

It is the end of an era, so to speak.  As of this weekend, neither one of my daughters works at Missy's Donuts in Guthrie anymore.  They are both missing so much work for the end of winter and start of spring sports, they both ended up quitting.  They will miss it, but it was a good first job.

Due to the President's Day Holiday and a professional day for the Stillwater Schools, this was a long weekend for the kids.  And, we were blessed with cousin Kayleigh coming up from Texas to spend the weekend with Nana and Grandpa.  We got to include her in some of our chaos, which is always fun.  Also, Aunt Shelley and Mac moved back into their house on the corner of 10th and McFarland this weekend. Jane and Al and the kids were here from New York to help as well.  We got a lot of family time as we went from Valentine's Day to President's Day!

All-day Friday, Lara was in Enid for Dual State Wrestling.  Her goal was to be back in Stillwater in time for the Lip Sync Battle during the Pioneer Baseball retreat.  The wrestlers lost out early, so she made it in plenty of time.  Plus, the Lady Pioneer basketball game went into overtime, which delayed the start of the boys' game, which made it run long, and they couldn't start the dance battle until the pom girls who coached the boys got to the indoor facility.  WHEW!  The show the boys put on was pretty spectacular.  And Lara was surrounded by some of her closest friends, and we were there, too, so it was a fun time!  That's how we do Valentine's Day!  (All the SPORTS!)

Emma played district basketball Friday and Saturday and spent the weekend with her neighbors.  They took her to Texas Roadhouse for dinner on Saturday night.

Saturday, Lara went to Finn's Upward Basketball game, hung out at home with her dog, went to the High School to work on SMAC decorations, then went to the Cowgirl basketball game with me, Dad and cousin Kayleigh.  This was Kayleigh's first trip to the Rowdy Confines of Gallagher-Iba Arena!  And, we made her participate in the obligatory Pistol Pete photo op.

Sunday, Lara hung out with Finn and Kayleigh at Nana and Grandpa's house.  Much needed downtime as the baseball season is about to kick off in full SWING!  Monday was a day off for the public school kids.  HOWEVER!  Emma had class at Meridian due to the snow day a week back.  They had to go to"make up" the snow day.  Unfortunately, Emma forgot that she and her classmates had planned a skip day since they didn't have public school - she forgot and showed up to class.  LOL!  Typical "Emma Move!"  And Lara worked her first baseball scrimmage Monday evening.  It was SUPER COLD after the sun went down...

Since baseball is here, that means the school year is racing to the end.  My Momma heart is so tender...

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