Tuesday, February 25, 2020

They One Where They Were Admitted

February 21-23, 2020

Friday didn't go exactly as we had originally planned, and on Thursday the exact layout of the day changed a dozen times, but it turned out to be the BEST day!  Earlier in the semester, both girls had registered for Admitted Student Days at Oklahoma State.  Lara had canceled because she was traveling with he wrestling team to district contests, and Emma was about to cancel on Thursday because her basketball team had made it to regionals.  I think I called and/or emailed Admissions 5-6 times asking to change or update or cancel parts or all of each girls registration.  In the end, we did have to cancel one appointment Emma had made after she decided to skip out on basketball to come to the college day.  And Lara ended up not traveling for wrestling so that meat I got to spend ALL DAY with them!

We learned so much, saw so much, had a fun lunch at Fuzzy's, toured the Zeta Tau Alpha sorority house, and got a lot of swag along the way.  Here are some pictures of our adventures:

We always enjoy having Emma at the house, but I think Finn enjoys it most of all.  Here is a picture of him telling the girls good night on Thursday night.

Saturday, everyone recovered from Friday.  There was some homework, some naps, a little bit Netflix, and all the other usual activities.  Lara had a baseball game to work, and Finn had an early morning basketball game.  Lara, Emma, and Jake came to Finn's game together - that's so weird.  But so fun!  Lara had to leave at halftime, but we were all there to cheer Finn on for a while! 

Sunday morning we got up early and went to 8:30 services at Life.Church.  Everyone had something going on later in the day, so we went early to make sure we didn't miss it.  Lara was supposed to go to a baseball game with Erika, but they ended up not going.  Emma went on a lunch date with a friend.  Then the rest of the afternoon and evening was pretty relaxed.  TV, phones, and family time.  Emma stayed Sunday night, too!  She was with u for 4 nights - that hasn't happened in a LONG time!

Here's to another week of the 2020 Project!  I can't believe we are so close to being dome with this!  LOTS of things to pack into the next 12 weeks...

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