We have made it another trip around the sun. We spent a season worshiping the Son and a sacrificial father who SO LOVED us, that he GAVE. We decorated with festive decor, ate more food that we should have, and exchanged presents with those we loved. We enjoyed the presence of friends and family that love us best. And best of all, we got to spend time as a family, relax, and recharge.
The first thought on my mind this morning was, "I cannot believe I have to go back to work TOMORROW! Now, don't get me wrong - I LOVE MY JOB! The construction and subsequent several step move are not on my light of highlights, but the JOB and the people make it worth it. But, alas, I still have to get up, dress up, show up, and NEVER give up! And what a blessing that will be! My second thought, my One Word for 2018! So, here we go!
My word for 2018 is Welcome. This word has so many facets, so many uses, so much MEANING. I took a screen shot of a list of the definitions to share with you:
The word came to me about a week ago as I began to think about my One Word for 2018. The past year has been a little rough around the edges, and left me with some open wounds, and more than a few scars. My anxiety levels are through the roof, and I have build a whole new maze of walls and barriers to protect myself. The first meaning that really struck me was as an adjective - the indication of being relieved or relinquished on control. Many times this year I have welcomed the opportunity of a burden to be lifted. But then, I thought long, and hard, about what it means to WELCOME - a verb - a friendly greeting, to be glad to entertain, to react with pleasure.
My focus for WELCOME in 2018 is as a verb. I need to be more welcoming. I need to welcome opportunities, and people, and anything God sends my way. I need to welcome people in to my life, and break down the walls. I need to exclaim a welcome when I see the people who are important to me and when I want them to know I see them and I care about them. I need to tell people they are welcome! Welcome to my time, my talents, my treasure. I tend to err on the side of selfish sometimes, and it is my goal to be more welcoming.
Mathew 10:40 is the words of Jesus saying, "Anyone who welcomes you welcomes me, and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me." I think this is a great example of the reciprocity of this word. It shows how it is a 2-way street. We all need to work more on being welcome, welcoming, and be welcomed! Everyone wants to feel that love, to be accepted! I need to be more like Jesus in this way. The passage goes on to say that even sharing a small cup of cold water, a disciple shows his love. So yes! Let's welcome each other.
Other members of my family have chosen words for 2018 as well. Britt chose reset. Jake chose excel (with the emphasis on aggressiveness), and Lars is still thinking about hers. Hers for last her was confidence and it fit so well I think there may be a bit of unease about one for this year!
As I like to do from time to time, I went back and found my ONE WORD for the last several years. Looking back always gives a fresh perspective as we move forward. Here is my list (and links!) to the last few words that chose me year by year:
2017 - closer (I was anxious, and blog-averse, as we opened 2017, so it's a short FB post)
2016 - greater
2015 - brave
2014 - joyful
2013 - resolution
Thank you for taking the time to read about what I see for myself in personal growth for 2018. And, you're welcome for any inspiration or direction I might have imposed on you. You are welcome on my blog, in my home, and in my heart, anytime! Just be welcoming of me, and my flaws, as well. Welcome to 2018, everyone!
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