Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Weavers: Unplugged

A new tradition was started in the Weaver house last night – Technology Free Monday nights!  We have decided to set aside this night as family time, get unplugged  – with no electronic interruptions.  No twitter, facebook, or blogs.  No TV, DVD or DVR.  No DSi, Wii or iXL.  No cell phones – mine was on in case of emergency.  We chose Monday nights since there are no out of the house activities for any of our kids after 5:30.  (And there is no TV we regularly watch on Monday nights, but I digress…)  We chose to do this from 5:30pm Monday nights until  5:30am Tuesday mornings (when my alarm goes off).  The biggest question the kids had was if we could use the microwave.  I said yes, since it could be used to prepare dinner…

I think last night went pretty well!  I had dinner going when Britt and Emma got home at 5:30.  We were done with dinner by 6:30.  Played board games and made puzzles, and had the kids in bed by 8:00.  Jake didn’t quite understand the how or the why, but he made it through without any movies!  Of course, the first thing he wanted to do this morning was turn on the TV – and he asked me when I dropped him off at day care if he could watch a movie when he got home today!  Sweet thing!

After the kids were in bed, Britt decided to read a book, and I read some of my book before leaving for a meeting at my sorority house (I am an alumna adviser for our chapter) which kept me out until 11pm.  When I got home, Britt was still reading – finished the entire book before we went to bed!

So night 1 of Unplugged was a SUCCESS!  And I say Pffffffffft! to all the nay-sayers and HATERS out there!  “Won’t last 20 minutes” – how about 12 hours?  “Over/Under -45 minutes” MY FOOT!  We did it, and it was GOOD!  Next week we hope the weather is better so we can get outside; being inside while a pre-schooler who wasn’t 100% on board or sure why we were doing this got a bit trying!  But, I think it’s a great time with family and a great change of pace.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Sun Goes Down

This week was the part 2 of Steven Furtick’s Sun Stand Still message (The one where he compares LifeChurch.tv to the 1990’s band Nirvana and Kurt Cobain!).  In it, he address the “What if the sun DOESN'T stand still” side of things.  The haters that get in your way, your own doubts that become obstacles.  The nay-sayers, the gossips, the Debbie Downers!  My favorite quote from the beginning of the talk was “If you want to do something that has never been done before, maybe it’s because God has left it for YOU to do.”  Just because SOMEONE is telling you no, doesn’t mean GOD is telling you no.  Pastor Furtick tweeted “Not a single #1 in the Final Four. Don't let anyone else's ranking define who you are or what you can do.”  This was from Sunday night – referring to the fact that not a single #1 seeded NCAA basketball team made it to the Final Four of the end of season tournament this year!  That rankings and statistics and numbers don’t always hold true to what is happening in our lives.  PREACH!

One of the points he made about obstacles that really stuck with me was when he talked about the “Why Bother” attitude.  He used the passage from Mark 5:21 – 43 where Jairus was taking Jesus to his sick daughter so Jesus could heal her, and Jesus was detained by another woman seeking healing, and the daughter died while they were waiting for Jesus.  One of Jairus’ close advisers told them Jairus’ daughter had died.  Saying to him “Why Bother?”   Why bother the teacher anymore?  It’s useless – she’s dead already… I find myself sucked in to that attitude A LOT sometimes.  I get discouraged with how poorly my kids listen to me, so I give up and say “Why Bother?”  I diet and exercise and the pounds stay right where they are so I give up and say “Why Bother.”  But Jesus said, Don't be afraid; just believe."  

Towards the end of the talk, Pastor Furtick references a Journey Song (recently made popular again by the TV series Glee  - another of my favorite topics) encouraging us “Don’t Stop Believing.”  But not to hold on to the feeling, but to hold on to our FAITH!  Faith that God will do greater things.  Faith that just because we can’t see the end result, yet, to keep up the work.  Faith in God’s promises for our lives. Acts 20:24  says “However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace.”  (This is my husband’s life verse, BTW)  We have to “tune out the doubt” (as Pastor Furtick says) and hold on to our faith to see us through. Don’t be afraid. Just believe. Don’t stop believing!

I think one of the reasons I look up to Pastor Steven Furtick so much, is that he was the guest speaker the first time I ever stepped foot on a LifeChurch.tv campus in the fall of 2008.  It was week 3 of the Kaleo series, and Pastor Craig Groeschel introduced him as a pastor from North Carolina that has a 2 year old church with 4,000 members.  (Little Stevie Furtick with is BLOND hair! And already referencing Sun Stand Still! I remember saying to my husband "If this guy is a friend of the pastor at this church, I want to go HERE!") When he was introduced last week, Pastor Furtick’s church is now 5 years old and I can’t even remember the HUGE number of people it influences!  This guy is the real deal! Don’t stop believing in the BIG THINGS God can do when you just let Him!

And as an aside, it was weigh in Monday at my house today.  I am down 1 pound from the last time I weighed 2 weeks ago!  Small victory, but I won’t stop believing! 

(And because it’s funny, every time I see the title of my post a little Kenny Chesney song goes through my head!)

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Some things never change

#1 and #2 - May 2002 - 2 days old
THIS has been "one of those" weeks!  Over scheduled, over stressed, over worked, and now, over IT!  There are a thousand reasons why I try NOT to have weeks like this, but the one I am focusing on right now is just because evryone gets so out of sync!  I didn't see my kids at all Tuesday night or Wednesday night.  #2's gymnastics class was changed to Tuesday nights - and we found out 2 horus before it started.  I was off my 8-5 job for 2 days (doing my "second job" that I absolutely LOVE), so going back to that meant going back to a desk full of projects and tons of emails.  Add to that, #3 started a new activity - T-ball.  So - crazy schedules, not enough time as a family, and WAY too much fast food, leads to one CRAZY household!

And one member of this household always seems to fare the worst when things like this happen.  And, believe it or not, it's not me!  While I have been known to have a meltdown (or two!) during weeks like this, I felt I was prepared this season.  But my #1 daughter (pictured, above left) does not handle the chaos very well.  She is also my child that requires lots of sleep.  She's about the only 8 year old / 3rd grader I know that still has an 8pm bedtime - and I don't see that changing anytime soon.  Her body's defense to not enough sleep is to run a low grade fever, so we try to make sure she gets plenty of rest.  Add to that medication that steals her appetite, and a heart that she wears on her sleeve, and her attitude tends to the negative when things aren't as expected.

I remember when the twins were about 2 months old, I was home alone with them one afternoon, and a friend came over to hold babies and change diapers with us.  She was asking me how things were going and to tell me about the girls.  This was the first time I had ever been asked to describe them as far as personality traits.  After thinking about it only a few seconds, I summed it up like this: "Well, #2 lets life happen to her, while #1 MAKES life happen to her."  At the time, I was mainly thinking about feedings and naps.  #2 had been diagnosed as failure to thrive, so we had to wake her every 3 hours regardless of what else was going on to feed her, and she just let us.  She didn't mind being put down or put in the swing or left to her own devices while I tended to other matters.  #1, on the other hand, cried incessantly, fussed about her feedings (which were soon after this time being supplemented with formula to keep her happy), had cried herself to sleep on more that one occasion, and always woke up fussing about something!  And today, after the week we've had and the battles we've fought, I would have to say THAT is something that might never change!  #2 still lets life happen to her, while #1 MAKES it happen.  She tugs, and pushes, and pulls, and argues, and stomps and stares trying to get things to go her way.  I am trying to teach her to not fight it all so hard!  She's making things much harder than they need to be.  Any suggestions?

Monday, March 21, 2011

How, exactly, DOES the Sun Stand Still?

This weekend was the first of a 2 week sermon series at LifeChurch.tv by guest speaker Steven Furtick.  It pretty much rocked, just like I said it would!  (I know, I know… I’ve been touting it’s awesomeness since I saw the taping, but it was THAT good!)  I was actually at church for my “long day” as Host Team Leader from 7:30 to 1:00, so I actually sat in on all 3 services.  I have now heard it 4 times.  You should take the time to hear it just once.  ("Thank God for a church that puts everything online for free! Amen? ~Steven Furtick") You can watch it here.

I gained something new from it each time I watched it.  The Mullet and NASCAR jokes were funny every time!  (Curious, now right?  GO WATCH!)  But the truths he spoke were more poignant each time I watched.  He spoke JUST TO ME in yet another way each time.  I was prompted to read a post on facebook this morning that really summed it up so well, that I am going to borrow it.  Thank you Erica Buchanan, for being so good with words!

12 Things I Learned from Steven Furtick

by Erica Haas Buchanan on Sunday, March 20, 2011 at 10:20pm
  1. We didn’t come here to survive this world but to change it for HIS glory.
  2. God speaks about the battles we are presently fighting in the past tense because from HIS vantage point they’ve already been won. 
  3. God can do more in a moment of favor than we can do in a lifetime of trying to do it our own way.
  4. If the size of the need seems too big for you it’s just the right size for God.
  5. One of the most humble things you can say is “God, only you can do this.”
  6. God gives you the victory but you still have to fight the battle.
  7. God involves your faith & works before he supernaturally gives you HIS grace in your situation.
  8. God is not insulted by our big requests but the small ones.
  9. If the size of your vision isn’t intimidating to you it’s insulting to God.
  10. What you ask God for is a reflection of what you believe HE can do.
  11. If you are going to ask God to make the sun stand still you better be ready to march all night.
  12. You can’t argue with my experience.
Erica and her husband, Jeff, were witness to a miracle last month when her husband was dead from a heart attack for 90 minutes on 2/14/2011, and lived to tell about it without any brain damage or other serious ill effects…  Left the hospital less than 2 weeks later!  She has chronicled her story on Facebook, and even has a T-shirt to spread the word of her Sun Stand Still Moment!

Have you ever prayed a Sun Stand Still prayer?  How can I pray for you today?

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Break Rewind

Technically, we still have 2 more days of Spring Break.  But, my babies are coming home in about 4 hours, and all chaos will ensue at that point, so there is no time like the present!  

Spring Break is an interesting time in our house.  The Hubs and I both work for the University, so while our week is (painfully) slow at work, we still have to be there.  (Seriously, on Friday, I got to work at 8:10 and literally did not see another soul on campus as I walked from my parking lot to my office!)  Plus, we don’t really have anywhere else we are going, so we work.  And Little Man’s day care is paid in full for the week, so he hangs out there with the few of his friends with parents like us that work on Spring Break.  The last 2 years, the Twisters have spent this week with their Other Dad in the Oklahoma City area.  While this time affords us two-on-one time with our son, it still seems eerie not to have the girls in the house!

One bonus to them being gone (besides the food bill for the week is drastically lower)?  We (OK, my husband) got to clean their room!  All I wanted to do was completely strip and wash every piece of bedding they have.  He went through and thoroughly picked up, cleaned, rearranged, and threw stuff away – going so far as to buying large tubs at Wally World to “organize” the floor of the closet.  Among the “missing” items he found was a Nintendo DSi game, one SwitchFlop flip flop (no idea where the other one is), and the FLOOR!  You can actually see it!

Our boy really missed his big sisters this week.  Mainly because I think they entertain him better than we do, but I also think he honestly admires them, looks up to them and loves them.  Almost every day while he was at school, he “forgot” they were out of town and he would ask about them on the ride home, or open their bedroom door when we got here to see what they were doing, only to be disappointed.  We allowed them to take the cell phone we have as an extra line (we call it the “house” phone and it stays in the house unless there is a good reason one of the girls need to take it with them), and that was a new twist.  Monday, we didn’t hear from them at all.  Tuesday, I texted them to tell Lady Bug that a friend was trying to get a hold of her.  Wednesday got a couple of “I miss you” and “I love you” texts.  (I thought that was so sweet, I even tweeted about it!) Thursday, they blew up my phone (Tweeted about that, too!)
  I got a video of one of them singing a song, several texts with various messages, a picture of an owie – all also sent to their Dad and Nana -- and a couple of calls asking when they could come home!

TODAY!  They will be home today!  And then (because the original plan was for them to stay until Sunday) we are taking them to my parents’ house to spend the night so the Mister and I can have date night!  Time to reconnect, revisit our dating days, and recharge – Monday morning will come too soon, and no one will be ready for it!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Fork in the Road

Yogi Berra is quoted as saying "When you come to a fork in the road, take it!"  I kind of like that!  Life leads you down a lot of long and winding roads, and the one God has me on now, has led me back here, to a blog I started AGES ago, to refresh it, revive it, and bring new life into it.

Another great fork story (and I am not referring Forks, Washington, home to some illustrious fictional Vampires that I have been known to talk about) was told by a mentor of mine, Pastor Steven Furtick from Elevation Church.  The story goes like this:
A woman was diagnosed with a terminal illness and given three months to live. She asked her Pastor to come to her home to discuss her final wishes. She told him which songs she wanted sung at her funeral, and what scriptures she wanted read, and which outfit she wanted to be buried in. Then she said, “One more thing… I want to be buried with a fork in my hand.” The pastor was surprised.
The woman explained, “In all my years of attending church socials and potluck dinners, I always remember that when the dishes of the main course were being cleared, someone would inevitably say to everyone, ‘Keep your fork.’ It was my favorite time of the dinner, because I knew something better was coming, like velvety chocolate cake or deep dish apple pie – something wonderful. So, I want people to see me there in that casket with a fork in my hand and wonder, “What’s with the fork?” Then, I want you to tell them, “Keep your fork, because the best is yet to come.”
The pastor’s eyes welled up with tears of joy as he bid the woman goodbye. He realized she had a better grasp of heaven than he did, and knew something better was coming. At the funeral, when people asked him why she was holding a fork, the pastor told them of the conversation he had with the woman before she died. He said he could not stop thinking about the fork, and knew they probably would not be able to stop thinking about it either. He was right.

“Keep Your Fork.
The best is yet to come.”


I am still dedicated to my weight loss goals, and you can still ask me about Beachbody and how to purchase Shakeology, but the thing that brings me greatest joy is my life in Christ and my family.  So, the focus of this blog will be there.  Thanks for following me over form the other blog, and WELCOME if you are new!

Here's to Spring Break -and Forks!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

So many words in so many places!

I had almost forgotten about this blog! I had started another blog on another site when I had ambitions to be more than I can be right now. I am thinking about cleaning this blog up, and moving my posts over here... Keeping it all in one place, as it were... This week is Spring Break, so it seems like a good time to make it all happen. I wonder how hard it will be to move it, since it is on a totally other service. Hmmmmm... I guess I could just cut and paste and cut and paste??? YIKES! LOL! We'll see...

OK - UPDATED!  If you are reading this in the middle of other posts and it makes no sense chronologically, it's because I made the plunge and decided to move the other blog over so I only have one.  It's tedious, but I am so excited about it.  So, it's not midnight, and I have to leave this house in less than 7 hours, so I have to go to bed.  I will revisit this again tomorrow.  And blog about it when I'm done moving things. LOL!  Happy Spring Break!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Lent (Sacrifice)

My favorite definition of sacrifice is “giving up something you love, for something you love MORE.” I think the first time I heard this was a couple of years ago in a sermon by Craig Groeschel, and since then I have heard the same sentiment said a few different ways. So, as we start this season of Lent, I am choosing to make a sacrifice. I am giving up Diet Coke (caffeine/dark cola), in order to feel better.

You see, I love (LOVE) Diet Coke, but I love NOT feeling like I have for the last 2 weeks even MORE. I’ve done it before. Given up the DC. For LONG periods of time, even. I gave it up for 5 years while trying to conceive, then conceiving and breastfeeding twins. Then again when I was pregnant and breastfeeding my son. And then for 21+ days at the First of this year when I participated in the Daniel fast. And I know I have done it for Lent in the past as well. So, I know it can be done, and I know I can do it. And to help me along my way, I have also started a new bible reading plan designed just for Lent at youversion.com. To keep me on track and to remind me WHY I am sacrificing this tiny thing when Jesus gave it ALL!

So, the blog has been neglected the last 2 weeks basically because I have failed at my commitments. My commitment to working out, my commitment to losing weight, and my commitment to this blog. Once again, LIFE got in the way. My parents (who are part of the VILLAGE that helps raise my 3 children) were out of town for a few days, so our schedule was wacky, then I started not feeling well, only to find out that I had strep throat! 2+ days of being totally miserable, then 2+ more days of just feeling bad, and things were REALLY behind. Add to that, I think I had a mild reaction to the antibiotics I am on (Can I give THAT up for Lent? Antibiotics?) which left me feeling foggy and groggy and with a headache, which turned into a migraine on Sunday, and yesterday, I finally started to feel almost normal again. I have ONE MORE pill to take this afternoon and I will have completed my 10 day course of antibiotics! I am WELL again! So, this season of sacrifice is a good day to start over, I believe!

On the upside, during ALL of that, I MAINTAINED my weight again! For that, I am grateful! It’s nice to start out in the same place I left off, instead of having to take 2 steps (or more) backwards! So, here’s to SACRIFICE! What are you going to sacrifice this season?