Friday, December 12, 2014

If I Were a Christmas Letter…

The time of year has arrived when I just LOVE to check the mail box every afternoon!  SOMETHING finally out numbers the bills and the unsolicited advertisements and random coupon fliers stuffing the mailbox on our front porch.  CARDS!  Real, signed, personal (and some not so personal) greeting cards!  How humbling to think that someone thought of me and my family – even for just a moment as they addressed the envelope – with love! We got our first card on Tuesday of this week, and have gotten a couple more each day.  My kids fight over who gets to check the mail, and if the envelope says “The Weavers” or “The Weaver Family” there is a mad scramble for who gets to open it!  Just another Christmas tradition that I absolutely LOVE!

*edited to add: This is my personal opinion and is not meant to bash anyone who loves or writes Christmas Letters. No throwing of flames needed.  :) *

But, inevitably, some of those cards come with the notorious “Christmas Letter.”  You know the one – the letter that touts the fabulously amazing accomplishments of the kids and tells of gloriously wonderful trips to exotic and magnificent locales – WITH PICTURES.  Tales of laureled accomplishments in the workplace and domestic bliss in the home.  I get it!  We all loved to tell our story and to brag of our endeavors – it is human nature.  And I love stories!  I just get the feeling with these types of letters that somehow, I’m not doing it right.  I don’t have a laundry list of marvelous events and spectacular triumphs to share with my Christmas Card List. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE my life and I love the time I spend with my family and the fun things we do - it's just not Christmas Card worthy, in my opinion.

My letter – if written in that vein - might tell about my kids meeting all attendance requirements at school because we finally had a “well” year!  It might tell about the trip to the City to go to Sam’s AND Target – ON THE SAME TRIP! LOL! It might mention dance, or baseball, or volleyball – but there’s no trophies or ribbons or medals. Nobody wants to read that.  And besides – isn’t that what Facebook is for? ;)

So, the Christmas letter is basically a chance to pick out and emphasize the BEST things that happened over the past year.  You see that?  The BEST things… Not the daily things.  Not the less than stellar things. Not the hurtful, sad, trying things.   During a message one time about social media, my Pastor Craig Groeschel said “We're comparing our behind the scenes with their highlight reels.”  YES!  That’s exactly it!  (He has actually said that in a few different references, but this one stood out to me.) That’s why Christmas letters make me sad.  That's why there are no Christmas letters from the Weavers.  Not like that, anyway. You get a fun card, with a picture of my family, and a message about the true Reason for this season. Merry Christmas!

But you know where we are all the same? And our “Christmas Letters” don’t matter? At the Foot of the Cross.  We all know the Christmas Story - the "Highlight Reel," but have you thought about the details? The "behind the scenes?" Instead of a highlight reel of the things the members of my family have done this past calendar year – which would surly bore you to sleep – I am going to write you THIS behind the scenes Christmas letter…

Dear Friends,

As the year 2014 comes to a close, I want to tell you about the only Christmas that really mattered.  The one that changed eternity.  The one that happened over 2000 years ago.  To a young girl, and her fiancé – who both had faith above all things to carry out an incredible mission. This is their Christmas letter...
Mary had grown up in the same village as Joseph who was several years older than she was. Perhaps they had admired one another from a distance ... perhaps Joseph had just been waiting for the darling Mary to grow up!
Mary was in the house one afternoon, maybe working on her wedding attire, or sewing towels for her new home when she sensed someone in the room with her. Conceivably, Mary looked around to see if anyone had joined her.
“And coming in, Gabriel said to her, Greetings, favored one! The Lord is with you.” ... 
Joseph and Mary’s love story had been horribly and inexplicably interrupted. Mary is pregnant and Joseph knows that he is not the father. Joseph surely must have wondered if Mary had been violated, although she was quietly insistent that the child in her womb had been placed there by the Holy Spirit.
Did Joseph wonder if Mary was delusional? How else is it possible to explain this catastrophic turn of events? What was once lovely is now tinged with ugly. What was once anticipated is now dreaded.
Joseph apparently did not believe Mary’s story because his plan was to put her away privately. This was the kindest and most loving choice for a young man found in the throes of betrayal. He could have allowed her to be stoned before the baby was born. Or, after giving birth, he could have allowed both her and the baby to be stoned. Sending her away never to be heard from again was the ultimate loving sacrifice on Joseph’s part.
It is impossible to even imagine Joseph’s disappointment with God and with the person whom he had loved most in the world. Mary had been his world and now he would never see her again. Did Joseph believe that the girl of his dreams had given her virginity to another man?
Joseph did not deserve this betrayal or this heartbreak. What he “deserved” was a wedding day filled with joy and the promise of young love.
Now, perhaps, Joseph’s reputation had been sullied on the streets of Nazareth and his boyhood friends were snickering behind his back.
Joseph had to face Mary’s parents and his own parents. Although he bore no guilt there was still the possibility that they would not believe him. There was no holiday frivolity for this disappointed, heartbroken young man.
Christmas, for Mary, was the challenge of understanding what the favor of God is truly all about. Mary was about to learn that being highly favored by God does not mean a life of unbroken happiness nor does it promise that all of your dreams will come true. There is a tremendous price to be paid by those who are highly favored by God; favor means, simply, that God is willing to use you.

Christmas, for Mary, was about discovering the intimacy of the Lord’s presence as never before. Mary was about to be confronted with the reality that favor happens when God places a piece of Himself into an earthly life. No longer was God a mere concept or a Divine Being who never engaged Himself in the affairs of everyday life. Because of Gabriel’s message, the presence of God Himself had invaded the life of this young girl who, prior to this moment, had nothing but Joseph on her mind.

Christmas, for Mary, was about understanding that God’s ways are so much higher than our ways. Mary was learning, like all of us must, that when Divinity invades humanity ... Divinity always wins! Christmas is a reminder that His ways are always higher and better than anything that we could ever think or imagine.

Christmas is about the Holy Spirit bringing peace and joy through a Baby Boy to the mess that we have made of planet earth. It is about the power of heaven’s reality invading one life. Christmas commences the moment a person realizes the longing that has always existed to be overshadowed by all that He is and all that He does!

Christmas has nothing to do with dancing elves, reindeer with red noses and snowmen who sing. Christmas is about an invasion! Christmas happens at the moment when heaven’s light invades the darkness of planet earth! Christmas is a time when we should all expect heaven’s entrance into our dusty, dirty worlds. Christmas is a time that reminds us all that miracles really do happen, prayers are actually answered and that heaven is just one response away. God absolutely hears your prayers. He is listening intently to your requests and loves it when a believer comes to Him boldly and unashamedly. Ask and keep on asking, seek and keep right on seeking, knock and keep on knocking! (Matthew 7:7) 

Claiming His Promises,
(All excerpts from the YouVersion reading plan "Joy! to Your World! A Countdown to Christmas" written by Carol McLeod if Just Joy Ministries

This is one Christmas letter I am glad that was written. Can you feel the hope in this?  The Promise! He will bring us GOODNESS and LIGHT!  This is what I love about Christmas and this season of the year.  I love the pomp and circumstance, the decorations, cards, food and festivities!  I love the lights and trees and BLING!  But most importantly, and definitely above all, I love the Gift of Jesus, my Savior!  To God be the Glory. Amen. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

A Costumed Christmas

This past weekend, Britt and I got to go on a date.  On a CAR date.  That included a ROAD TRIP!  This was HUGE.  We rarely get date nights in on our busy schedule, and to actually take SIGINIFANCT time to make something like this happen is HUGE.  It talks a lot of phone calls, texts, hits and misses to get 4 kids taken care of for a weekend – especially after the Tween Twins had a school dance on Friday night that they HAD to attend! And not surprisingly, it was not without a few glitches.  But, it was SO VERY WORTH IT!

We were invited to a Costume Christmas party Saturday night in Dallas thrown by our ******** upline Diamond and Platinum distributors.  We thought just getting the invitation was a big deal, and we were ready to move mountains to make it to this party!  Once we put it on the calendar, it was game on.  We started making arrangements for our drive, where we would stay and most importantly, where the kids would all be.  I am so grateful to all the families that helped all my kids have a good weekend while we were away. And of course to Nana the Wonder Sitter for shouldering the brunt of the responsibility and helping coordinate it all!

So, through the Facebook event page, we knew we were expected REQUIRED to wear a costume (there were threats! LOL!), and to bring a gift for the dirty Santa exchange.  Time to get creative!  After several days of brainstorming and thinking, Britt ordered a costume from, and I went to Hobby Lobby and gathered supplies!  The end result was the Pink Bunny from the Christmas Classic “A Christmas Story” and I was a festive rendition of Dancer the Reindeer.

The party was so much fun!  We were staying with our (very pregnant) friend Megan, and we all traveled to the event together.  She was a trooper!  I know she thought her elf costume looked ridiculous, and I know she was not feeling all that festive, but she was a great sport and helped us to have a really good time!
Liz and Rob - our hosts
With our friend Megan
A lot of the couples there were dressed as a “pair” or a “couple.”  All of the winners fell into this category, so we have made that note for next year.  Alas, we did not win any contests!  The couple from “A Nightmare Before Christmas” won the overall prize – they went ALL OUT!  The costumes and make-up were amazing!  We also had 3 Cousin Eddie’s from “Christmas Vacation” – and an EXCELLENT Clark Griswald!  Also from that movie was Aunt Bethany and Uncle Lewis – PRICELESS! As well as 2 Pink Bunnies  - AND THE LEG LAMP - from “A Christmas Story,” Bill Murray and the Angel from Scrooged, a complete Nativity scene, several Santa’s, Mrs. Clauses, elves, a Christmas Tree (and skirt), presents, snowmen, Jack Frost, a kid waiting for Christmas morning, and many more! The creativity was stellar, and the costumes had us smiling all night.
Costume Contest winners

YUP!  This happened...


While everyone arrived, we were treated to some GREAT ******** friendly foods, and an endless supply of water and *****.  These people know how to party!  The food was GREAT!  I think Britt wanted to stuff some of the wraps into his pockets.  But, FWIW, Bunny costumes don’t have pockets! LOL!  So, we just ate while we were there, and thought about what all was in them so we might recreate them at home later.

Then it was time for the “Dirty Santa” style gift exchange.  I don’t know exactly how long this took, but there were over 50 people there!  It was not a QUICK game. But it was pretty fun!  One of the gifts we brought got passed around quite a bit – that always makes you feel good when you bring a “good” gift!  We left with a set of 2 beer glasses and an AMAZING king size blanket in a beautiful teal color for our bed.  It is so warm and cozy and PRETTY!  Props to my husband for sacrificing his turn for me to “steal” this blanket to “freeze” it.  That’s how he ended up with the beer glasses.  We’re not drinkers, but the glasses are pretty cool!  The kids want to use the glasses to put Santa’s ***** in for Christmas Eve!

After a nice night of sleep at our friends’ house, we got up early and headed out.  But not back to Oklahoma just yet – we went to TARGET!  Cuz we don’t have one here!  We spent a couple of hours with our carefully crafted Christmas list and got a few gifts marked off the list.  Then, we barred back home to be with our kids!  MISSED THEM so much – but very glad to get to spend that precious time together as a couple reinvesting in each other.  And, our ******* family.  We are so blessed and honored to be on this awesome journey.  While the weight loss is great, (Britt is at 72 lbs gone, I am at 45) I think the most rewarding parts of our adventure are the PEOPLE!  The people we are meeting, the people we are helping, and the people that are now our FAMILY! It’s so rewarding and fulfilling!

Ended the weekend at LifeChurch where it was Baby Dedication day.  I got the distinct honor of praying over my (2nd) favorite preemie baby and her family as they embark on the challenging journey of raising their adorable miracle girl to being a fully devoted follower of Christ. What a humbling, yet refreshing experience!  Love this sweet face and her awesome family!  You will go far, Baby Lucy!

Baby Lucy

Friday, December 5, 2014

Good News!


After WEEKS and weeks of trying to get in touch with our endocrinologist to find out answers about Finn's growth testing- which resulted in missed phone calls, incomplete messages, partial information, worry, questions, patience and endurance - WE HAVE ANSWERS!

Over the past few weeks, We had gotten calls from our endocrinologist, but I either missed the calls completely, was too busy to answer, or knew if I answered all he would be able to hear was the chaos of my full house in the afternoons - and that wouldn't help either of us!  We wanted to know shot Finn, but we couldn't connect!

Today, we made an appointment for Big Brother Jake to see our pediatrician here in town due to a cough and a sore throat - before Mom and Dad leave town for the weekend!  He's OK - might have a sinus infection, but nothing major.  But, as we were finishing up the appointment, our Doctor asked if we had ever gotten news on Finn's tests.  "NO!" we called out in unison.  Then she said that SHE GOT THE FULL REPORT!  *The full report!*  YIPPEE!

I am so happy to report after the testing from October - we have a bit more information.  As you recall, the one big missing piece for us was any information about the bone age test and results.  If his bone age was younger than his chronological age, then we were probably in the clear and just needed to let time take it's course and let him grow.  If the bine age was pretty close to his actual age, then we might want to start being more aggressive.  And if the bone age was older, well, who knows...  We did event want to go there!  We also hadn't gotten much information about the blood tests.  Through the Mercy portal, we were able to SEE the results, but we're not doctors, so we don't know what they mean... But, all of his blood markers were within normal ranges.  Except one, but it was not worrisome.  We knew all of this from the Internet information, and that had been confirmed in phone messages, and again today with our pediatrician.

And his bones?  They are baby bones!  Young, still developing, lots of growing still to do, baby bones! She reported that the findings of his bone age showed they were at 2 years and 4 months!  Chronologically, at the time of the test, he was 3 years and 1 month.  Even if you take off the 3 months of prematurity, that puts him at 2 years 10 months - still significantly ahead of his Bone Age! THIS IS EXCELLENT NEWS!

So, the plan is to stay the course.  Keep the appointment that is now just under 5 months away.  Let him GROW. Let him develop.  Watch him SOAR!

Finn - 2014 School Picture

Monday, November 10, 2014


If you are around me much and you listen to me tell stories about our Finicky Finn, you'll often hear me sigh and somehow throw in the words "hashtag fourth kid." He is my a-typical child.  My enigma.  My little mystery.  He doesn't do things the way any of his older siblings did - he eats differently, sleeps differently, receives discipline differently.  He is feisty, and fearless, and ferocious.  He is strong, and smart, and steadfast.  And he does it all in his own time and in his own way.  Always has.

We've spent the last few weeks waiting on test results from the X-rays and labs he did with the endocrinologist.  And doing the usual Dream Weaver things - running club, haircuts, dance, sports injuries, rehearsals, basketball evaluations, March for Babies committee meetings, building dreams, WORK!  Earlier last week, we received a call from the endocrinologist.  Unfortunately, we missed the call, and have been playing phone tag ever since.  While we have no official word about results, we feel that since they aren't working too hard to get us on the phone, we must be in the clear and just waiting for our 6 month follow up.  I'll call AGAIN tomorrow... Mixed in with all of that was a visit for Mr. Finn to his audiologist at Hearts for Hearing.  We had cancelled the last appointment for various reasons, so it had been over 6 months since our last visit.  The good news is, he is finally a BIG BOY and can do the tests in a big boy way!  Gives them a better idea of what he really is hearing and how he is reacting.  Honestly, it was pretty cool to watch him do all the tests!  He is so smart!  But, the less than stellar news was that the ear without the tube (which fell out early this year), had definite hearing loss. *sigh*

I left there feeling frustrated,  Here we are again.  In the last 2 months we had seen the ENT, the pediatrician, his ears had been checked at school, and now the audiologist.  The story from each was never quite the same - which is slightly understandable since time was passing and the ear was changing all along.  We heard tubes, no tubes, wait, and act now.  After much discussion, we agreed to go back to the ENT - he is the medical expert in this area.  He will help us formulate a plan of action.

Parenting 4 kids is a challenge.  They are all very different.  Navigating their needs and wants; encouraging their dreams and abilities. Spending quality time in this roller coaster existence.  And add to that one who has need for more medical interventions and attention.  Its overwhelming some days.  A lot of days.  How much is too much?  How much is not enough?  When should I intervene? When should I wait?  The struggle is real.  And I feel for parents who have to make much tougher medical decisions than I do.  I know I have it pretty easy in the grand scheme of things...  But, it's my life and my family that have to deal with this particular situation.  And we see how the stress and strain effects our environment. Yes, I want Finn to hear properly, but he has made such huge strides in 3 months with language!  Is it necessary to put him under - AGAIN?  Plus, last time we talked replacing the tube there was talk of removing the tonsils and adenoids... Will that help his sleep?  And maybe his eating?  All of these nagging questions pulling tag this Momma's heart - all the while I'm trying to stretch it to include the other 3 kids, and my ever-patient husband. Whom I keep looking at with pleading eyes, asking, "What next?"

He's so lucky to have GREAT older siblings in Emma, Jake and Lara!

That appointment with our ENT was today. We covered the entire Finn health history again. Brought our doctor up to speed on the latest developments.  Examined Finn.  And then were presented with solutions.  It was recommended that we replace the missing tube, clean up (and replace if necessary) the existing tube, and to leave the tonsils and adenoids alone - for now. We all agreed this was the best plan of action for our Fighter, Finn.

His surgery is Thursday.  As in, not tomorrow, or the next day, but the next day.  First thing in the morning.  We covet your prayers once again.  He's older now.  And more fretful.  While I am not anxious at all about the procedure, the recovery may be a bit more eventful than the last time.  We truly hope and pray this brings him relief, normal hearing, and a LONG stay away from hospitals, surgeries, and doctor's appointments!  Our sweet boy - always a fighter.  And always doing it his own way. #FourthKid

#FourthKid Finn

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Once Tiny, Always… TINY?

Here we are, a couple of weeks past Finn’s 3rd birthday, and I am reminded of this picture.  Of this season.  A season we thought had basically passed through and moved to the other side of.  All the struggles of prematurity and delayed development… The day of his first birthday party was also the day we participated in our first March of Dimes March for Babies.  Finn’s shirt won the T-shirt design contest (just like this year, too!).  His shirt said, “Once Tiny, Always Strong.”  We loved that shirt.  And as we approached and passed the milestone of his third birthday, we thought we would start being released from some of the specialized physicians we see.  But, this was not the case… 

Let’s turn back the clock 6 months.  We had seen our local pediatrician because we were concerned about Finn’s weight gain and stature. She started us on an appetite stimulant, and referred us to an endocrinologist in the City.  It took 6 weeks to get in with him, and in that 6 weeks the stimulant medication had worked WONDERS on our boy!  He was growing, eating, and  developing at amazing pace.  We did find out something new at this visit, however.  He asked if we knew that our son had been diagnosed with “SGA” after his birth.  I had no idea what that was, so I said no and asked what it meant.  He told us it meant he was “Small for his Gestational Age.” In other words, Finn was smaller than the average 26 week 5 day gestational age baby.  Once Tiny. But, based on that and the other presenting factors, especially the success we had with the recent prescription, the decision was made to stay the course, but to make a 6 month follow up “just on case.”  That appointment was scheduled for October 20.

On October 5, 2014, Sweet Mr. Finn turned 3.  Feisty, Finicky, Fearless Finn.  Funny, Fretful, Fighter Finn. Fabulous, Flirty, Fickle Finn.  We celebrated at his pre-school with cupcakes that week, and had a small gathering at home for his friends and family.  His favorite things are play-doh, Legos, and all things FLAGS – especially American flags!  It snuck up on us, and it took our breath away.  We made it!  “Early Childhood!”  THREE!  And he was doing so well!  At or just barely below all his developmental milestones for his age.  A glimmer of normal…

And as all 3 year olds do, he had a well-child check with his pediatrician the next week.  Where everything checked out well – and the only shot he had to get was for flu prevention.  Except… Except for the pesky little fact that he’s not getting any bigger.  He weighs 26 pounds (9%) and is 35 inches tall (3%). Her exact words were, “he’s not growing as we would expect.”  I guess with parents both over 6 feet tall, an uncle who stood 6’7” and a 7 year old brother pushing 5 feet and 95 pounds, being tiny definitely isn’t “expected.”  She went on to say she thinks this is something beyond just being born prematurely and we probably ought to keep the appointment with the endocrinologist.  Man!  We just knew we were going to leave there and call to cancel that appointment because we were doing so well.  No such luck.
Fortunately for us, we already had that appointment on the books, AND it was just a few days later.  Easy enough to pass the time.  With thoughts and fears and hopes and dreams.  With questions and concerns and prayers and tears. With hope and love and cuddles and kisses.  We are weary.  All of us, from the fight we have been on for these past 3+ years.  And we truly thought we might be on an upswing. Only to be brought back down by the crest of this wave.  A wave we will ride, but not without adversity, I am sure.
Monday, we spent the entire day in Oklahoma City.  After dropping all the big kids and their respective schools in Stillwater, we were off.  First stop – the pulmonologist.  Where, even with this newest round of cough and congestion from allergies that Finn is struggling with, we were given a clean bill of lung health and made a plan to be back after the first of the New Year.  Then, it was lunch at Jason’s Deli (YUM!), a jaunt to the mall to play on the indoor play equipment, then to Mercy Hospital and the OU Children’s Clinic to see Dr. George, our endocrinologist.  The lobby was busy and bustling – very different from the last time we were there.  And the wait seemed intolerable – our baby had already had a long day!  But little did we know what was to come. 
He was very thorough.  The doctor, that is. Very patient. Thoughtful; deliberate with his words.  He seemed to waver back and forth a bit about what our plan of action should be.  He asked lots of questions about the past 6 months, about his prematurity, and about family history of stature.  This was the plan of action we decided on as a team.  Even though his was diagnosed “SGA” and currently below the 10th percentile for both height (3%) and weight (8%) and he would probably qualify for growth hormone therapies, we are going to give him until age 4 to catch up some more.  Always Tiny?  In the meantime, the physical examination yielded no evidence of hormone deficiencies, but there could always be some underlying factor only detectable by more comprehensive testing.  And there’s no time like the present.  The doctor ordered an X-ray of Finn’s left hand to determine bone age, and 2 and a half PAGES of blood labs – that needed to be collected in 4 different vials. 
The bone age test will determine if his bones indicate the same aging as his chronological birthday.  If his bone age seem to only be 2 years, then he has a lot of growing left to do and he will probably catch up.  If his bone age is 3 (or more), well, then, we probably need to help him catch up.  We went down to radiology – where the wait was long and the room was tiny.  But Finn LOVED the X-ray tech and getting his picture taken with her BIG camera!  Even if it was of his hand!  She was so sweet and kind to him.  And when she was checking to make sure she got a good image, she let Finn and I watch it render on the “pa-cuter” screen.  Finn saw his hand, then saw the images of the bones and he exclaimed, “It looks like Halloween!”
The blood work is testing for many different things – most of them over our heads.  The doctor told us that the 2 “big” tests take 14 days to get back. These tests are looking for anything else that might be causing the growth delays and any hormone deficiencies he may be experiencing.  It was off to the lab we went.  The lab wait was short, and the room more comfortable.  And the lab tech was excellent, too!  Kind, patient, caring, professional.  But getting a good stick on a squirmy, tired, coughing 3 year old proved to be a challenge.   One she could not overcome on her own.  She called in reinforcements (and THIS SONG was playing while she was gone - I knew my brother was watching over us!) in the form of an experienced nurse they called “Grandma Vickie.”  45 minutes, 3 sticks, 2 techs, and 1 teddy bear (his gift for being so brave) later, they got the 4 vials of blood needed.  And we finally got to go home.

The 2 week wait is upon us. I definitely left the clinic and hospital on Monday night feeling better.  Dr. George is in no hurry to push us into (expensive, grueling, time consuming) growth hormone therapies, but he wants to get to the root of the problem with some preliminary testing.  If these tests all come back within normal ranges, they become the “benchmark” for the tests we run next year – when he is four.  I like this plan.  I have every faith that the results will be favorable.  That the next 12 months will yield extraordinary growth for Mr. Finn. We serve a mighty God and we have prayed BOLD prayers over this situation.  We ask you to do the same.  In Jesus name!  Finn may always be tiny, but he will also always be STRONG!

As for the rest of us… Well, life keeps happening at break neck speed!  Emma and Lara both landed roles in the chorus for their middle school production of High School Musical 2 this spring and are constantly at rehearsals.  Lara is LOVING dancing at her new studio and is also helping with choreography on the musical.  Emma is working with a practice volleyball team to improve her skills and looks forward to trying out for the school team next year.  She is excelling at school and loves helping others.  Both girls got straight A’s the first 9 weeks of school – something they both worked very hard for!  Britt and I are both working, working and WORKING.  Working our jobs at OSU keep us in the know and young at heart while working on our weight loss and wellness journey (he’s lost 65 pounds, I’ve lost 45 – and both still counting!) and WORKING our ******** business so soon we can live out our dreams with our family.  In the meantime, Jake just finished up his flag football season tonight with a double header.  SILVER BULLET ended the season UNDEFEATED!  Jake looks forward to playing with this team of amazing boys and coaches again next year.  He is doing GREAT in school – his teacher calls him the Gentle Giant.  I have felt the presence of my own Gentle Giant, Big Oaf to my Little Oaf, my Big Brother, many times over the course of the last few weeks.  None greater than in that lab when I was begging for guidance from above so those ladies could get the blood they needed form my sweet boy and we could get him to stop screaming, coughing and flailing about.  God provided.  He always does.  As I know he will through this season for Finn and our family.  God is good.  Finn is proof.  All the time. Once Tiny. Always Strong.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

It’s ******** Saturday!

Labor Day Weekend 2014. Here we are! Season opener for my OSU Cowboys. On a neutral field in Texas, against last year’s National Champion, but still. COLLEGE FOOTBALL! And Go Pokes! We want to see LOTS of Pistols Firing today.

But another fun part of that for me, the game is sponsored by ******** MY company! A company and products that have literally changed my life. For good.

So, what else makes it “******** Saturday” you ask? Well, not only are they the title sponsor of a game I am very interested in, they are also title sponsor of another college football game, AND Trevor Bayne will be driving the Number 6 ******** car in the NASCAR Nationwide Series in Atlanta! Here’s what the looks like on TV (all times CT):
  • 7:00 pm ABC ******** Cowboys Classic: Oklahoma State vs Florida State from AT&T Stadium in Arlington, TX
  • 8:00 pm ESPN ******** Texas Kickoff: Louisiana State vs Wisconsin from NRG Stadium in Houston, TX
  • 7:30 pm ESPN2 NASCAR Nationwide Series with Trevor Bayne in the No. 6 ******** Ford Mustang from Atlanta Motor Speedway in Atlanta, GA
  • 7:30 pm TWC Sports FC Dallas at Chicago

On a related note, I broke through another weight loss barrier this weekend! I have left another “tens” number in the dust – for good. Never going back. I might also have gotten back to weighing less than my husband... I had a slight panic attack last weekend when we weighed in and he was about a pound under me on the scale. Men lose it so much easier! Just not fair! But, I refocused, set a “mini” goal (have a big one coming up on my birthday in a few weeks!), and pressed on. Even with the shoulder injury and yucky steroids in my system for that, I had a good week on the scale. MOMENTUM!

All this to say you are going to see the ******** “A” a lot this weekend. Not just from me. If you watch sports on TV, you will see it! And it might make you curious… What is ********? Why are the Weavers so passionate about it? What does it mean for me? I want to answer ALL of those questions for you! but the best way to get involved is to chat with us. Let us tell you the “why!” Let us share our passion with you. Let us change your life!

Saturday, August 23, 2014

It Started with a *****

How and Why we ********: Our 2 Minute Story

******** found us when we were overworked, excessively overweight, worn out with no energy, had no money, and no hope.  With 4 active kids and 2 full time jobs, we were struggling to just get by day to day.  Britt had taken a second job to help us make ends meet, but it definitely took him away from our family even more than our regular jobs.  That’s when our friend and ******** sponsor, Lindsay, stepped in and told us about ********.  She showed us how the products could help us with our health, and how the opportunity could help us with our finances. 

Both of these aspects drew us in.  The idea of better health and a Plan B income really intrigued us, so we jumped right in with both feet.  We immediately signed up as distributors and ordered ** *** ********** for each of us – without ever trying a ***** or any other product.  We held our first mixer in our home that week.

We stuck to the ** *** ********* program and worked hard resulting in both of us experiencing great results.  We felt better, we looked better, our clothes were looser, and we lost weight and inches.  All the while, we were working the business to change other people’s lives for the better and we quickly earned our way to Advisor.  Since then, Britt has lost over 50 pounds and Betsey had lost 40.  We are walking taller, standing straighter and we are able to just function better on a daily basis.  We notice a huge difference in every aspect of our lives, and our kids are so grateful.  We also have more margin in our finances as well, which allows us to breathe a little easier - including unexpectedly having to replace 3 tires on 2 cars within a matter of weeks which would have DEVASTATED us in the past.

We knew that to continue our growth in ********, we needed to get to ******* ******.  We had an amazing experience there this summer, and we came home energized to hit the ground running.  We are building our team so we can rise to the top!  We are talking to everyone we come in contact with – whether it be the nurse at the pediatrician’s office, the mom at day care, the young family at church, or even the Fed-Ex man who continually delivers the ******** boxes to our porch! We truly want to change lives – both physically and financially, and ******** gives us the tools to do this. 

Britt and Betsey Weaver – remember those names!

First Day of School 2014

Well, another school year has started with a bang!  It’s always crazy getting back into the routine, getting all the school supplies purchased, getting everyone to bed on time, coaxing everyone out of bed on time.  But we are 4 days in.  And we made it!  2 7th graders, a 2nd grader, and Year 2 of preschool for the little guy! He is going 3 days a week this year instead of the 2 he went last year.  Trying to get him caught up to his peers with language and social skills!

I will let the pictures do most of the talking.  I am in just in SHOCK that these are my babies.  The time has flown.  When we went to meet the teacher for 2nd grade last week, Britt remarked how it felt like we were just in Jake’s 1st grade classroom last week!  So true.  And funny that we found his last report card of the year from 1st grade still in his backpack after the first day of 2nd grade!  OOPS!  Emma and Lara are ruling the Middle School as 7th graders.  They are such wonderful young ladies.  Level headed, low drama, smart, dedicated, organized.  So proud.  And Jake!  MAN!  He is just a joy.  Somewhat shockingly, NOT the tallest kid in his class this year, too!  ;)  He loves his teachers and Westwood – such a great fit for him.  Sweet little baby Finn is almost 3.  And talking up a STORM!  I am so proud of how far he has come.  He’s still a nervous nelly, and has his funny quirks, but he is much more social this year and people can converse with him which truly helps.  He is going to have a great year in the Rainbow Room at FUMC ECC.


It’s strange to stop and think during the day that the 6 Dream Weavers are spread out all over Stillwater.  But it sure is nice to come home at night and we’re all cozy under one roof. God id good.
OH!  And they first Middle School Dance was Friday Night as well...
*sigh* Who ARE these girls???


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sisterhood: Bid Day 2014

It is August.  The middle of August in fact.  Around here, that means a busy time.  Back to School.  BID DAY!  Last Monday, the Alpha Omicron chapter of Alpha Delta Pi at Oklahoma State University welcomed almost 60 new Alpha members.  It was not as hot outside as it has been in recent years, but it was HOT inside!  ;)  Lots of hugs and excitement for these young ladies - and I am honored just to be a part of it!

For the Weavers, it also means volunteering our time to work Welcome Week registration in the ballroom of the Student Union for a few hours.  It's a family tradition!  Britt and I have done it every year for the past several years.  It's super fun, and great people watching.  We had out their first ORANGE T-short for orange Fridays, a map of campus to help them get around, and a booklet showing the week's events.  These are Freshmen who have just arrived on the OSU campus for the first time as students, and it is SO MUCH FUN!  (Great people watching, too!)  We worked out shift late Tuesday afternoon, and it did NOT disappoint!

This morning as I was trolling my apps on my iPhone waiting for the rest of the house to get going, TimeHop Abe reminded me of this post from exactly one year ago today.  Remember this, readers?  I was so excited about how this story turned out.  Well, revisiting that reminded me that there is a Part 2 - and I'm going to tell you about it today!

While my (skinny) husband and I were greeting new students Tuesday night, I was (as always) on the lookout for ADPi lavalieres, headbands, bags, T-shirts and any other identifying apparel.  In the 2 hours we were in the ballroom.  I saw 2 girls with my letters.  JUST TWO!  That's crazy - I normally see at least a handful.  The first one was not in my line - in fact she was CLEAR DOWN at the other end of the giant room.  I didn't feel like being too obnoxious and flagging her down.  But the second one?  She was in MY LINE!

Here she comes, right up to us to get her registration taken care of and most importantly to get a brand new orange T-shirt.  She had on a necklace with the Greek letters Alpha Delta Pi on a sweet little charm.  So, of course, I had to engage her.  She was so excited to talk about her new sisterhood! (We got a GREAT group this year - can't wait to see what they do in the future!).  She said she remembered seeing me at the house on Monday and was glad to meet me.  As part of the conversation, I asked who her "Bid Day Buddy" (older Delta member who helps the new Alpha members navigate the craziness that is Bid Dy) was.  YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHO HER BUDDY WAS!!!!

Ok, you probably already guessed.  You're right!  It was the young lady from last year's post.  I can't make this stuff up.  I was floored - and so was my husband.  ADPI just keeps surprising me over and over.  Renewed my love for Stillwater, Oklahoma State University and Alpha Delta Pi.  What a GREAT week I had.  I always love a fresh, new fall semester, and this was just icing on the cake!

Welcome to campus, #OKState18.  Here's to a wonderful year!

Thursday, July 31, 2014

At the end of our ten days…

We did it!  We completed the ** *** ******* that we started out on last week.  We ate super clean for 10 days, followed the program, and used the ******** ******* products.  We both feel GREAT and are so glad we took this time to do another *******!

I went into the cleanse at a weight loss plateau.  I had been within 2 pounds of the same weight for about 2 weeks.  I was stuck.  And I didn’t like it!  I knew I felt “sluggish,” and I knew a ******* would really help me out.  And BOY!  It sure did!  I lost SEVEN (7) pounds in the past 10 days.  It was all the garbage that was just hanging out in my gut. I feel GREAT!  My favorite part of the ******* was the water intake!  I had dropped off on how much water I was drinking daily, and following this program got be back on track!  My next goal is 20 more pounds by my birthday…

Britt had gained a little bit, and he, too, was ready to get back on track and loose the weight for good!  He has been rocking the weight loss all along, and he dropped 5 pounds during this 10 day period – leaving him just 5 pounds away from his birthday goal of 50 total pounds lost.  His birthday is ONE WEEK from today!  I know he can meet (and exceed!) his goal.  His favorite part of the ******* was the ******* and ***** ***** Drink!  We both did ****** last time (and I did this time as well), but he wanted to change it up a bit.  He really liked it!

So, between the 2 of us, we have lost a total of 75 pounds since we started this journey in March.  We are so happy with our results!  And doing this together has helped keep us motivated, accountable, and moving forward.  I am so glad I have my partner and best friend right by my side for this life changing journey.

What about you? What are your goals?  How can we help you meet them?  We would love to tell you more about our journey, the products, and our business!  ******** is about changing lives, and it has certainly changed ours!  Come ** * ******** with us!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Hits so close to home

Team Finn’s Fans grew by two feet today.  Unexpectedly.  And it makes my resolve to be a part of this amazing organization even stronger.  There’s a sweet baby girl 70 miles from her HOME getting settled into her temporary NICU home this evening.  She probably won’t be able to attend the March of Dimes Stillwater March for Babies this year, but we will.  And this year, we March not only for Finn, but for sweet little Lucy, too.

Let me tell you about them.  Momma is one of my dearest friends.  We share so many things in common.  We can finish each other sentences, talk without even speaking, laugh at nothing and know why, and pick up a conversation 2 days later without missing a beat. She is part of the Stillwater March for Babies Committee, and since she knew she would have a newborn at the time of the walk, she and her family joined Team Finn’s Fans to help us meet our fundraising goals! Her older daughter is almost 2, and Finn loves her.  In fact, this was our Transformation Tuesday picture today:
Baby Girl #2 was due the 2nd week of September.  Scheduled C-section for September 8.  Until last week.  Thursday her doctor said she had high blood pressure and sent her to the local hospital.  Friday, due to pre-eclampsia, they transferred her by ambulance to the same hospital I had Finn at.  Yesterday they told her it was a waiting game.  This morning they told her it was BABY DAY!  What a ride!  Lucy was born at 4:07 this afternoon weighing 3 pounds 8 oz and 15.5 inches long. 

And it’s not fair.  NO ONE should have to go through the fear and questions they are going through right now – and what we did 3 years ago.  It’s scary.  It’s tough.  It’s life threatening.  It’s just not fair.  That’s why March of Dimes is so important to me and my family.  We want to see premature birth eradicated.  Figure out why it happens; figure out how to treat it; figure out how to prevent it.  Save the Mommas.  SAVE THE BABIES!

While she has a long row to hoe, Baby Lucy should do alright.  Girls fare better than boys in the NICU.  She has great support.  All the research from the last 76 years of March of Dimes are on her side.  She’s a fighter!  And she is LOVED.

Here’s how you can help Baby Lucy and other babies like her:

We want all families to be blessed with big, full-term, healthy, take-me-home babies!  Don’t you? Join us!