Wednesday, January 1, 2025

One Word 2025


For the last few weeks leading up to the start of a new year - a BIG year in our lives, I was listening for my one word.  Practicing the skill of discernment that I have been perfecting over the last year.  Looking up some of the words that resonated to me in the dictionary, popular culture, and most importantly, their context in the bible.  There were about 10 that stood out in one way or another. Then I narrowed it down to 3 that held my attention. And finally, THE ONE. 

Not the Pixar movie. Or the VR video game. Nothing to do with Penn State.

THIS type of Onward: Continually seeking spiritual growth and maturity; Remaining steadfast in faith during trials and uncertainties; Actively participating in the mission to spread the Gospel; Trusting in God's guidance and provision for the future.

First of all, it is one of those words that after you say it about a dozen times, it starts to sound well, awkward. Weird, even. Not like a normal word in the English language! But once we get past the quirk of semantic habituation (look it up; its real!), the word has a lot of meaning, impact, and value for goal setting. Perfect for 2025!

I investigated the word "onward" and its impact on my world, and I found myself using the concepts I studied in a "looking forward" lens.  This upcoming year is BIG.  Jake will graduate high school, pick a college (most likely far from home), and go there to play basketball and get an education.  Finn will be thrust into only-child status - with OLD parents.  The girls are getting deep into their adult lives - and change is inevitable.  And all the other family factors we are experiencing play into this as well.

Progress over Perfection

This concept was introduced to me in Graduate School a few years ago, and over the last year as my job became both more challenging and more demanding, I was forced to lean into it again with new reverence for the idea.  Which was hard for me - I am a bit of a perfectionist.  But with a husband that I strive to be a great partner for, 4 kids ranging in age from 22 - 13 with various needs, wants, desires, time commitments, problems, and performances to tend to, plus elderly parents, it has come to my attention that I cannot do all of these things at 100% all of the time.  But, I CAN make progress.  I can do what is needed, what is required, and make my expectations and boundaries clear.  I can show up as much as I can show up - as long as it is healthy, wise, and it honors God.  My boundaries matter, but it is my job to protect them.  And it is also my job to communicate to everyone on my team, and in my tribe, what those lines of demarcation are - no one can read my mind.


A new beginning won't always feel like a giant leap that happened overnight. That's where I find myself today. 2024 has brought about MANY little steps, short walks, a hike or two, and even a couple of marathons along the way.  There are times when moving onward looks like entering a new space where everything is practically a blank page, but then there are other times when we carry pieces of the past with us. I am bringing a LOT of things from 2024 into 2025.  Most I am grateful for, some need to find their exit this year.

Focused on the Goal

Philippians 3:12-14 - The Message:

I'm not saying that I have this all together, that I have it made. But I am well on my way, reaching out for Christ, who has so wondrously reached out for me. Friends, don’t get me wrong: By no means do I count myself an expert in all of this, but I’ve got my eye on the goal, where God is beckoning us onward—to Jesus. I’m off and running, and I’m not turning back.


So, how do we perpetuate this forward progress?  Press forward with steadfastness in Christ by having faith in Him. Make Him the central focus of your thoughts and actions. Moving onward is a powerful call to action. It’s about working towards the future with intention, guided by the divine purpose God has laid out for each of us. I will continue to use discernment this year as I make decisions in all of these pivotal areas of our lives, and most importantly, I will strive to the balance and joy God promises.  I wrote last year that comparison is the thief of joy - and it still is!  Knowing I am pressing on, walking closer to God, and discerning his intentions for me and my family is what will bring me my ultimate joy.  Onward in infinite and the goal is always clear.  

Philippians 4:8 advises us to focus on whatever is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. By filling our minds with such thoughts, we cultivate a mindset that reflects God’s goodness and propels us towards His plans for us. Taking every thought captive and aligning our focus with virtues that resonate with God’s nature is essential in pressing forward. It enables us to sift through the noise and distractions of life, identifying and holding onto what truly matters.

May you never forget the good things worth carrying with you, and may your gratitude for them only grow over time. Pace yourself into this new beginning, prioritize closeness with God, and continue in a forward direction. Onward.

As I do every year, it is time to look back over my one word posts from years past to see how I came to use them as my focus for the year and to assess outcomes.  How well I was able to maintain that focus.  What God brought me to or brought me through because of my one word.  How my family changed and grew from my yearly focus.  Here is a list of the previous posts, if you are interested:

2024 - Discernment

2023 - Celebrate!

2022 - satisfied

2021 - hope

2020 - breath

2019 - listen

2018 - welcome

2017 - closer  (I was anxious, and blog-averse, as we opened 2017, so it's a short FB post)

2016 - greater

2015 - brave

2014 - joyful

2013 - resolution

Here is to 2025.  Onward - progress, perseverance, and the forward movement towards God. Always moving forward and continuing the journey. Always going further rather than coming to an end or halting. Onward is an attitude that continually propels forward movement and resists stagnation. The call to move onward is a call to live a life of purpose, faith, and obedience, ever pressing toward the fulfillment of God's promises and the ultimate hope of eternal life with Him.

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